Faces Wanted: One Man’s Mission to Drive Awareness of Parkinson’s Disease

“I have a hope that this foundation has a short life. We exist to help fund and find a cure. To do that we need to generate and raise awareness of Parkinson’s disease and its impact to the public. Awareness in turn will aid in generation of funding. Funding for a cure and funding for… Continue reading Faces Wanted: One Man’s Mission to Drive Awareness of Parkinson’s Disease

Surviving Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

It’s Men’s Health Week, and we’re featuring the perspectives of – you guessed it – men.  Following tiredoftired’s guest post about depression on Monday, we are pleased to present this poignant essay by longtime PatientsLikeMe member and mentor Rick N, who has lived with multiple sclerosis (MS) for 23 years. I am a 58-year-old man… Continue reading Surviving Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Mike Wallace, Depression and Me

In honor of Men’s Health Week, we are pleased to present a guest post by PatientsLikeMe member tiredoftired, a young man who has been living with major depressive disorder since 2007.  Don’t miss this moving essay about how Mike Wallace’s passing earlier this year impacted and inspired him. As I was driving to therapy on… Continue reading Mike Wallace, Depression and Me

Why Should I Participate in a Clinical Trial?

“Before me, there were hundreds and thousands of other people with Parkinson’s who participated in clinical trials that gave me the ability to have the medications that I take today. If people today do not participate in clinical trials, there will be no cure. There will be no new medications.” – Parkinson’s patient Jean Last… Continue reading Why Should I Participate in a Clinical Trial?

Spotlighted Blogger: Meet Psoriasis Patient Joni of “Just a Girl with Spots”

Welcome to the latest installment of our “Spotlighted Blogger” series.  This spring we’ve been focusing on psoriasis patient bloggers, starting with Lissa in March and Alisha B. and Jessica in April. Today, we’d like to introduce you to Joni (girlwithspots), a PatientsLikeMe member who writes a blog called “Just a Girl with Spots.”  How has… Continue reading Spotlighted Blogger: Meet Psoriasis Patient Joni of “Just a Girl with Spots”

Living with Psoriasis: PatientsLikeMe Member Lissa Featured on Patient Power

“I don’t really know too many people around here with psoriasis.   It was hard to relate with somebody.  My family, my friends, my husband, they’re great support, but they can only see what I’m going through, they can’t go through it the way I do.  It’s really important to be able to connect with people… Continue reading Living with Psoriasis: PatientsLikeMe Member Lissa Featured on Patient Power

World No Tobacco Day: 10 Facts About Secondhand Smoke

We’ve written about how smoking is the single largest preventable cause of disease and premature death in the US.  We’ve also highlighted some of the treatments that our 4,000+ members who report tobacco addiction have tried in their quest to quit. But today, in honor of World No Tobacco Day, we’d like to focus on the… Continue reading World No Tobacco Day: 10 Facts About Secondhand Smoke

A Peek at the May Newsletter for Members

What kinds of things do we cover in our monthly newsletters for members? Take a look at the excerpt below from our May edition. Also, in case you didn’t know, anyone – whether a PatientsLikeMe member or not – can view our current and past newsletters in our Newsletter Archive. See what we’ve been up… Continue reading A Peek at the May Newsletter for Members

Someone Like Me

We are pleased to present a guest post by PatientsLikeMe member Jasmine (Jazz1982), who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) in her mid-twenties.  Don’t miss this beautiful essay about the commonalities between all patients who have lost functionality – regardless of how different their conditions might seem. I recently met someone that happened to be just like… Continue reading Someone Like Me

Free Up Research! On Our Way to 25,000 Signatures

Have you heard about the petition launched to the White House asking for all federally funded research to be freely accessible over the Internet? We’ve signed it and here’s why… Today, government-funded research (that’s research paid for with your tax dollars) is often something you can have access to in published scientific journals, but for a… Continue reading Free Up Research! On Our Way to 25,000 Signatures