All Aboard! Bringing PatientsLikeMe to Transplant “Gamers” 2010 Transplant Games photoset As you may know from reading Molly’s post last week, a few of us from the PatientsLikeMe staff recently attended the National Kidney Foundation’s 2010 U.S. Transplant Games in Madison, WI. In addition to supporting some of our current nonprofit and industry partners, PatientsLikeMe was an exhibitor at this year’s… Continue reading All Aboard! Bringing PatientsLikeMe to Transplant “Gamers”

PatientsLikeMe Gets into the Spirit of the Transplant Games

The spirit of Team Mid New England and the U.S. Transplant Games has infiltrated PatientsLikeMe!  We have just gotten back from an amazing trip to Madison, WI to watch Team Mid New England take to the athletic fields and to spread the word about our transplants community at PatientsLikeMe. We had the opportunity to sponsor… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe Gets into the Spirit of the Transplant Games

Personalized Medicine: Making It All About You

Earlier this year, the University of Arizona hosted a unique meeting for scientists, policy makers, and law experts to explore the legal, ethical, and policy implications of personalized medicine. The opening keynote was by Dr. Lee Hartwell, 2001 Nobel Prize recipient in Medicine / Physiology and Director of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and… Continue reading Personalized Medicine: Making It All About You

U.S. Transplants Games – Here We Come!

A few weeks back, we were delighted to join the National Kidney Foundation of New England at their Transplant Games Team Meeting to give a demonstration of the PatientsLikeMe Transplants Community. Later this week, we’ll be joining Team Mid-New England as their official t-shirt sponsor as they “take the field” for the U.S. Transplants Games… Continue reading U.S. Transplants Games – Here We Come!

Multiple Sclerosis: Sustaining Care, Seeking a Cure

Our research team here at PatientsLikeMe carries out world-class research in collaboration with academic centers, commercial partners (see “how we make money“), and to help answer questions from our patients. We share our findings with the world through this blog, peer-reviewed publications, and by attending academic conferences like the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers (CMSC)… Continue reading Multiple Sclerosis: Sustaining Care, Seeking a Cure

It’s Official: Sharing Health Data Improves Outcomes

(Listen here to the PatientsLikeMeOnCallTM podcast on this topic) Last week the PatientsLikeMe R&D team published a study entitled “Sharing Health Data for Better Outcomes on PatientsLikeMe” in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR), the leading open access peer-reviewed journal on health care in the Internet age. The study aimed to find out direct… Continue reading It’s Official: Sharing Health Data Improves Outcomes

Know Thy Self – Measuring Your Quality of Life

Last Fall, PatientsLikeMe introduced our Quality of Life (QoL) tool which is displayed on the profiles of members in the HIV community.  By answering a few questions, patients can see how HIV is impacting them – physically, socially and mentally.  Today, this same QoL measure is used by thousands of patients across the HIV community… Continue reading Know Thy Self – Measuring Your Quality of Life

Meet Our Transplant Community’s BionicMan

Since the launch of the PatientsLikeMe Transplants Community in March, more than 1400 patients have come together to share and learn from their transplant journeys. Thanks to our partnership with the National Kidney Foundation serving New England, BionicMan was one of the first transplant recipients to sign up and played a critical role in helping… Continue reading Meet Our Transplant Community’s BionicMan

ALS Awareness 2010: A Four Year Journey With Our PALS

Four years ago this Spring, PatientsLikeMe launched the ALS community with very specific goals in mind – to help patients like you take control of your disease, share and learn from one another, have a voice in real-world research and inform the companies that make your drugs and can improve your care.  Together, we have… Continue reading ALS Awareness 2010: A Four Year Journey With Our PALS

Transparency, Openness and Privacy

The following message was sent this morning to all members of PatientsLikeMe.  Please read what we have to say about openness, sharing and its privacy implications and join the conversation. **** Dear PatientsLikeMe Members, What are the privacy implications of sharing in this open, online community?  We talk a lot about this and, as a… Continue reading Transparency, Openness and Privacy