Earlier this month, PatientsLikeMe was fortunate enough to attend the 64th Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society in San Antonio, Texas. We were there to spread the word about PatientsLikeMe to some 4,000 attendees including epileptologists (physicians specializing in the treatment of epilepsy), neurologists, nurses, and researchers. We had a great spot on the… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe at the American Epilepsy Society Meeting 2010
Patient Interview: “A Sense of Togetherness, Love and Unity”
This week’s “Treat Us Right” theme focused a lot on the sentiments and data you share every day to help others learn more about your real-world experiences. We, at PatientsLikeMe, also like to just check in to see how you’re doing as a person, not just a patient. Here’s an interview with member “jesus reigns,”… Continue reading Patient Interview: “A Sense of Togetherness, Love and Unity”
Treat Us Right: Comparing Cymbalta and Lyrica in the Fibromyalgia Community
Since its launch in November 2008, our PatientsLikeMe Fibromyalgia Community has served as a place for more than 11,000 fibromyalgia patients to share with, find, and learn from others. Over the past 2 years, thousands of you have reported using Pfizer’s Lyrica® and Eli Lilly’s Cymbalta® as prescribed treatments for your fibromyalgia. PatientsLikeMe recently analyzed… Continue reading Treat Us Right: Comparing Cymbalta and Lyrica in the Fibromyalgia Community
Treat Us Right: Mapping What Patients Think About Medications
One of the ways we can better understand whether you, as patients, are having a positive or negative treatment experience is to “listen” to the conversation you’re having in our forum. By understanding whether you are having a positive, negative, or neutral experience with a particular treatment you are taking or are considering taking, we… Continue reading Treat Us Right: Mapping What Patients Think About Medications
Treat Us Right: Comparing our Community to the General Population
Our recent series entitled Share and Compare focused on how patients like you can better answer the question, “How do I put my experience in context?” The answer, in part, comes from how much information you share to help create that context of real-world patient experiences. Think of it this way – with every piece of information… Continue reading Treat Us Right: Comparing our Community to the General Population
The Patient Rules. A Discussion with the PatientsLikeMe Executives
We recently sat down with our executive team here at PatientsLikeMe in our first-ever roundtable-format podcast. In this PatientsLikeMeOnCallTM interview, we ask Co-founders Ben and Jamie Heywood, Chief Marketing Officer David S. Williams III, and R&D Director Paul Wicks PhD to discuss why our recent series themes are so important to the history and future… Continue reading The Patient Rules. A Discussion with the PatientsLikeMe Executives
One for All: Interview with Babsie (Fibromyalgia Community Welcomer)
To close out this week’s blog series (“One for All”), we bring you an interview with another noted “welcomer” from our Fibromyalgia community. Meet Babsie. A member of the 19,000-member community, she has commented on hundreds of patient profiles to date (which is highlighted in a graphic on Jeff Cole’s earlier blog here). Read… Continue reading One for All: Interview with Babsie (Fibromyalgia Community Welcomer)
One for All: Interview with Diamondlil58 (Welcomer of 15k Patients)
We’ve been learning about how connected our patients are this week in our blog series called “One for All.” In the first two blogs by Jeff Cole, we read (and saw through cool graphics) how some of our members are initiating an unparalleled universe of dialogue. Today, we sit down with one of those members,… Continue reading One for All: Interview with Diamondlil58 (Welcomer of 15k Patients)
One for All: The PatientsLikeMe “Welcome Wagon”
In yesterday’s post, we looked at some of the ways members of the PatientsLikeMe community are connecting with other patients and the value they are getting from it. Today, we’ll highlight how one person can make an enormous difference and inspire you with her ability to connect with others. One method of reaching out to… Continue reading One for All: The PatientsLikeMe “Welcome Wagon”
One for All: The Connected Community of PatientsLikeMe
PatientsLikeMe is dedicated to building a platform for the open sharing of personal health data. So far, our community of patients have shared over 600,000 outcome surveys, 300,000 treatment histories, and 2.3 million symptom reports. We believe this enormous collection of health data will dramatically improve how patients manage their conditions. But there are more… Continue reading One for All: The Connected Community of PatientsLikeMe