Our members are very enthusiastic about the value generated by sharing their information. So much so that recently two of our members decided to don their hard-earned PatientsLikeMe t-shirts and share their experiences using PatientsLikeMe with their local MS support group. They recruited several new members at the meeting and gave more information about PatientsLikeMe… Continue reading Patients showcase PatientsLikeMe to their local support group
The “We Have MS Together!” video
Learning from each other can be addictive, and even fun at times. One of our more prolific (and outspoken and creative) MS members, Keeping On, decided to celebrate her 1000th post with a musical salute to some of the most humorous posts and posters in our MS community. So she got together with another witty… Continue reading The “We Have MS Together!” video
Community Report: The composition and experience of the Multiple Sclerosis community
Six months after its public launch, the MS PatientsLikeMe community includes over 1 in 200 MS patients in the U.S. and the rate of growth continues to escalate. To mark the occasion and experiment with new community tools, we put together the first PatientsLikeMe community report. In this report, we begin to paint a portrait… Continue reading Community Report: The composition and experience of the Multiple Sclerosis community
Benjamin Heywood Interviewed by the Health Business Blog
Bringing the New Year in right, Benjamin Heywood, CEO of PatientsLikeMe, was interviewed by David E. Williams, publisher of the Health Business Blog (not to be confused with David S. Williams who works with PatientsLikeMe). In the interview, Ben discusses the future of the company, its ground-breaking Openness Philosophy, and the differentiation of PatientsLikeMe versus… Continue reading Benjamin Heywood Interviewed by the Health Business Blog
Happy Holidays! PatientsLikeMe Update: December 2007
As 2007 comes to a close, we want to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season. Thanks for being a part of the PatientsLikeMe family! In order to continue to create online homes for patients with life-changing conditions, we need to continue building a solid team. Therefore, we plan to expand our staff in… Continue reading Happy Holidays! PatientsLikeMe Update: December 2007
The Value of Openness
Welcome to the PatientsLikeMe blog. Here you will get firsthand accounts of our growth and how we are impacting global health care. Why have we chose the name “The Value of Openness”? Read our Openness Philosophy below, and you’ll see why. ________________________ Openness is a good thing. Most healthcare websites have a Privacy Policy. Naturally,… Continue reading The Value of Openness
PatientsLikeMe at the Toronto ALS/MND Symposium
This year PatientsLikeMe was the major sponsor of the 18th International ALS/MND Symposium held in Toronto, Canada. Research scientist Paul Wicks, marketing officer Lori Scanlon, and community liaison Emma Willey were all in attendance to tell people about the site. We first started telling the ALS/MND community about us at the Yokohama conference in 2006,… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe at the Toronto ALS/MND Symposium
PatientsLikeMe T-Shirts
As the holiday spirit finally came upon us we thought we should do something nice for our members. There are thousands of them (and many more every day), so it isn’t reasonable to thank every one (we may look like Santa Claus, but we’re not, sadly). So we decided to thank the “stars” of the… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe T-Shirts
PatientsLikeMe Update: November 2007
It’s been six months since we launched our first newsletter, and a lot has happened at PatientsLikeMe in that time. With the holiday season now upon us, we thought we should give thanks for the amazing strides made in all our communities. There is power in numbers, as they say, and we are grateful to… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe Update: November 2007
Happy Thanksgiving! PatientsLikeMe MS Patient Spotlight: FeliciOlivar
At PatientsLikeMe, we believe in getting to know the person, not just the “patient.” That’s why we’ve decided to interview one patient each month to find out more about how he or she approaches life. This month we are pleased to feature FeliciOlivar, a two-star member. 1. What are you thankful for? I am thankful… Continue reading Happy Thanksgiving! PatientsLikeMe MS Patient Spotlight: FeliciOlivar