Now that PatientsLikeMe is open to any patient with any condition, we’ve noticed more patients with different conditions sharing similar lifestyle modifications. One example is the use of a service dog. What are the benefits – both expected and unexpected – of a four-legged assistant? We asked some of our members to talk about their… Continue reading Canine Caretakers: How Service Dogs Can Help Many Types of Patients
Category: Patient Experiences
Are You Taking Cataplex F for Hypothyroidism?
Introduced in 1934 by Standard Process, Cataplex F is a whole food dietary supplement designed to support the thyroid as well as the body’s natural response to inflammation. Containing iodine for thyroid support, Cataplex F promotes healthy skin and hair, the metabolism of fats and the formation of eicosanoids (signaling molecules that play a role… Continue reading Are You Taking Cataplex F for Hypothyroidism?
It’s Fibromyalgia Awareness Day!
At the National Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Association, this year’s Fibromyalgia Awareness Day is themed CURE FM (Campaign for Understanding, Research & Education of Fibromyalgia), and many of our members are working to do just that. Beginning as early as January, our fibromyalgia members have worked together to order t-shirts, send letters to TV shows… Continue reading It’s Fibromyalgia Awareness Day!
Join the Band: Raising Our Voices for Lupus Awareness
“I was diagnosed with lupus (SLE) at age 20 and had already lost about 60% of my kidney function. I had chemotherapy for nine months along with intense steroid therapy. I thankfully went into remission and have been since four months after my diagnosis. I still struggle with fatigue and kidney problems although I was… Continue reading Join the Band: Raising Our Voices for Lupus Awareness
One for All (Video): The Road Ahead at PatientsLikeMe
“We’re just getting started on a long road to really impact your individual disease and your quality of life…” Each week this month, we’ll be posting a video interview with a member of the PatientsLikeMe executive team. You’ll hear from Ben Heywood, Jamie Heywood, David S. Williams and Paul Wicks, Ph.D. about what the recent… Continue reading One for All (Video): The Road Ahead at PatientsLikeMe
Discuss the Effectiveness of InflammaCORE for Bowel Irritability
Is InflammaCORE helpful in reducing a chronic inflammatory burden? Can it alleviate bowel irritability? Find out just that by sharing your experiences with other patients at PatientsLikeMe and learning what they have to say about this nutritional supplement. A protein powder drink mix, InflammaCORE is marketed as a potent way to support your gastrointestinal, cardiovascular… Continue reading Discuss the Effectiveness of InflammaCORE for Bowel Irritability
Four Issues, Four Solutions: The Evolution of PatientsLikeMe
Like many of the changes we make to our site, the recent upgrades at PatientsLikeMe – including opening up the site to any patient with any condition and allowing you to share multiple conditions through your profile – were the direct response to what you, our patients, have asked from us. Over the past five… Continue reading Four Issues, Four Solutions: The Evolution of PatientsLikeMe
PatientsLikeMe “Express Yourself” Video Contest: Deadline Extended!
How has PatientsLikeMe changed your life? You told us…and let us just say “wow!” Many of you submitted amazingly powerful videos to answer that question. Thank you! Given the number of requests we received, however, we’re extending the PatientsLikeMe “Express Yourself” Video Contest deadline for a few weeks to give more of you the chance to… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe “Express Yourself” Video Contest: Deadline Extended!
Share Your Experiences with Euphytose
Available without a prescription in France, Euphytose is an herbal treatment for anxiety and depression that contains six plant extracts: Hawthorn, Passionflower, Valerian, Ballota foetida, Cola nitida and Guarana (Paullinia cupana). The latter is available in France as an over-the-counter anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) agent. Producing both sedative and stimulant effects, Euphytose combines traditional herbal remedies for… Continue reading Share Your Experiences with Euphytose
PatientsLikeMe Refutes Published Clinical Trial
Congratulations to our R&D team here at PatientsLikeMe for its most recent paper published in Nature Biotechnology (“Accelerated clinical discovery using self-reported patient data collected online and a patient-matching algorithm”). The full paper has been made available by Nature so you can read the results and access all of the supplemental data and figures. Below are… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe Refutes Published Clinical Trial