How to Treat Major Depressive Disorder

Feeling sad or down is a normal human emotion. It’s natural to feel negative feelings like sadness or depression when facing a life challenge, such as losing a job, the passing of a loved one, or facing a serious illness. These are usually short-lived and don’t interfere with daily living. But when these feelings become… Continue reading How to Treat Major Depressive Disorder

Integrative Treatment for MS

Managing multiple sclerosis can be difficult, especially when it comes to choosing between different treatment options. You want a treatment plan that is going to help minimize your symptoms while being mindful of any side effects. All the while making sure that your mental health is being protected.  Many patients with MS use an integrative or complementary approach to… Continue reading Integrative Treatment for MS

13 Easy Ways to Minimize Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms

If you’re living with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), you know that the symptoms often flare up at inconvenient times. It can be difficult to do everyday activities when you’re dealing with the pain, stiffness, and other symptoms that come with the disease. Fortunately, there are lifestyle changes you can make and some home remedies you can… Continue reading 13 Easy Ways to Minimize Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms

How to Adapt Your Living Space and Daily Activities for ALS 

Your home is your sanctuary, but if you’ve recently been diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), it may feel like that sanctuary isn’t as safe as it used to be. As the illness progresses, it can become harder to move around your home and do the daily tasks you used to do.   Because ALS is a… Continue reading How to Adapt Your Living Space and Daily Activities for ALS 

What You Need to Know About Creatinine Levels for Kidney Disease

The main function of the kidneys is to remove waste products from the body. One way to measure kidney function is by testing creatinine levels. High or low levels of creatinine aren’t necessarily harmful on their own but can be an indicator of serious health conditions like chronic kidney disease. What is creatinine? Creatinine is… Continue reading What You Need to Know About Creatinine Levels for Kidney Disease

Things I Wish My Doctor Would Do

You have been experiencing a mix of symptoms for a while, fatigue, headaches, muscle soreness, and shortness of breath. Wondering if it’s something like stress or a more serious condition, you visit your doctor with the hopes of getting some answers. But instead, your doctor gives you a quizzical look and sends you on your way with more questions… Continue reading Things I Wish My Doctor Would Do

Early Signs of Parkinson’s Disease

One day, you’re relaxing on the couch and notice your hand is shaking. Has it always done that, or is it new? But when you go to pick something up, you notice the shaking stops. You may have noticed other minor changes like your movement is slowing down or your limbs feel unusually stiff. You could pass all of… Continue reading Early Signs of Parkinson’s Disease

Conditions Commonly Mistaken for Multiple Sclerosis

Have you wondered why your vision got so blurry, or why you feel tired all the time? Maybe you’re having trouble remembering things, and your mind isn’t as sharp as it used to be. These symptoms can be scary, and it can be frustrating when there are no clear answers about what they may be.… Continue reading Conditions Commonly Mistaken for Multiple Sclerosis

Health Information: What Sources Do People Trust?

Finding accurate and reliable health information has become more confusing for patients than ever before. By examining where patients are getting their information — for example, from trained healthcare professionals or their peers — and their ability to determine the most reliable sources can help the industry and patients better understand the importance of providing… Continue reading Health Information: What Sources Do People Trust?

6 Best Foods for Chronic Kidney Disease

When you were first diagnosed with chronic kidney disease (CKD), you may have been told you need to modify your diet. While it’s true that nutrition significantly impacts chronic illness, and eating foods that are high in nutrients and minimally processed, combined with some exercise, can help prevent and minimize symptoms of kidney disease, you… Continue reading 6 Best Foods for Chronic Kidney Disease