Hypertension on the Open Research Exchange- A talk with pilot researcher Tamara Kear, PhD., R.N., CNS, CNN

We’ve been talking about the new PatientsLikeMe Open Research Exchange on the blog over the past few weeks, and today, we’d like to introduce another one of the pilot researchers. In case you haven’t heard, our researcher partners will be using ORE to pilot, deploy, share and validate new ways to measure diseases. And PatientsLikeMe… Continue reading Hypertension on the Open Research Exchange- A talk with pilot researcher Tamara Kear, PhD., R.N., CNS, CNN

We’ve got a new look!

You probably already noticed, but the PatientsLikeMe blog just got a facelift. It’s all part of our ongoing effort to create a better site experience, and the feedback we’re getting from members is guiding us every step of the way. Check out all the upcoming site upgrades in Kim Goodwin’s post. Like she says, “nearly… Continue reading We’ve got a new look!

National Depression Screening Day and National Bipolar Awareness Day

As part of Mental Illness Awareness Week, today is both National Depression Screening Day and National Bipolar Awareness Day. It’s all part of a larger effort to raise awareness about the mental conditions that affect the lives of millions of people around the world. So what are the stats on depression?[1] Depression affects as many… Continue reading National Depression Screening Day and National Bipolar Awareness Day

More than a pretty face

You’ll soon see some changes to the way PatientsLikeMe looks, including new icons, colors and fonts. This might look like we’re just redecorating, but these changes are fundamental to helping us make the bigger improvements you’ve been asking for. We’re still putting a bit of polish on it, but here’s an overview of what’s changing,… Continue reading More than a pretty face

Did you know it’s Mental Illness Awareness Week?

The U.S. Congress has recognized the week of October 6th as Mental Illness Awareness Week (MIAW), and if you or anyone you know is living with a mental health or neurological condition, it’s time to raise awareness and share your experiences. Serious mental illnesses cover a lot of different conditions (including depression, schizophrenia and bipolar… Continue reading Did you know it’s Mental Illness Awareness Week?

PatientsLikeMe in real life: Reporting back from RARE Patient Advocacy Summit

I was in Newport Beach, CA with one of our founders Ben Heywood, Brad Gescheider from partner marketing, and 125+ caregivers, researchers, patients, and advocates—including a member of PatientsLikeMe! MS member since 2010 slowmo_tam joined me for a day full of tips on patient advocacy, empowerment, and collaboration at the RARE Patient Advocacy Summit. Ben was on a… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe in real life: Reporting back from RARE Patient Advocacy Summit

Sleep survey results: infographics take-3

Happy Friday! Here’s the final round of the PatientsLikeMe sleep survey infographics. On Tuesday, we shared info about general sleep issues, and on Wednesday, we learned how these problems affect the daily lives of people living with chronic conditions. Now, see how the PatientsLikeMe community compares to a study conducted by the National Sleep Foundation… Continue reading Sleep survey results: infographics take-3

Sleep survey results: infographics take-2

As promised, here’s the next round of PatientsLikeMe sleep survey infographics. Yesterday we shared some about general sleep problems and how long they last. Today, it’s all about how sleep impacts your sex life, ability to drive a car and overall mood. Don’t forget to share through #areyousleeping on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest so everyone can learn… Continue reading Sleep survey results: infographics take-2

Sleep survey results: infographics take-1

Just yesterday, we announced the results of the PatientsLikeMe sleep survey and found that a bad night’s sleep is the norm for people with health conditions. Over the next week, we’ll be sharing some sleep survey infographics with our blog followers and the PatientsLikeMe community. Here are a few to kick us off…   PS-… Continue reading Sleep survey results: infographics take-1

Bad night’s sleep is norm for people with health conditions, according to PatientsLikeMe survey

Majority of Members Have Chronic Sleep Problems That Point to Insomnia, But They Aren’t Diagnosed With The Condition   CAMBRIDGE, Mass.— September 23, 2013—Results from a new survey of 5,256 PatientsLikeMe members around the world reveal nearly one-third of respondents—people who live day to day with life-changing conditions—never (5%) or rarely (25%) get a good… Continue reading Bad night’s sleep is norm for people with health conditions, according to PatientsLikeMe survey