World No Tobacco Day: 10 Facts About Secondhand Smoke

We’ve written about how smoking is the single largest preventable cause of disease and premature death in the US.  We’ve also highlighted some of the treatments that our 4,000+ members who report tobacco addiction have tried in their quest to quit. But today, in honor of World No Tobacco Day, we’d like to focus on the… Continue reading World No Tobacco Day: 10 Facts About Secondhand Smoke

A Peek at the May Newsletter for Members

What kinds of things do we cover in our monthly newsletters for members? Take a look at the excerpt below from our May edition. Also, in case you didn’t know, anyone – whether a PatientsLikeMe member or not – can view our current and past newsletters in our Newsletter Archive. See what we’ve been up… Continue reading A Peek at the May Newsletter for Members

Someone Like Me

We are pleased to present a guest post by PatientsLikeMe member Jasmine (Jazz1982), who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) in her mid-twenties.  Don’t miss this beautiful essay about the commonalities between all patients who have lost functionality – regardless of how different their conditions might seem. I recently met someone that happened to be just like… Continue reading Someone Like Me

Free Up Research! On Our Way to 25,000 Signatures

Have you heard about the petition launched to the White House asking for all federally funded research to be freely accessible over the Internet? We’ve signed it and here’s why… Today, government-funded research (that’s research paid for with your tax dollars) is often something you can have access to in published scientific journals, but for a… Continue reading Free Up Research! On Our Way to 25,000 Signatures

Strengthen Your Knowledge During National Osteoporosis Month

Of the estimated 10 million Americans with osteoporosis – which means “porous bones” – 80% of them are women.  That’s why we wanted to shine a spotlight on this condition during National Women’s Health Week.  Approximately one in two women over the age of 50 will break a bone because of osteoporosis.  Even more alarming… Continue reading Strengthen Your Knowledge During National Osteoporosis Month

A Day in the Life of Biz Dev Team Member Arianne Graham

What’s it like to work at PatientsLikeMe?  We are continuing to reveal just that with our monthly blog series “A Day in the Life,” which features employees from different departments.  So far, we’ve interviewed User Experience Engineer Cris Necochea, Research Assistant Shivani Bhargava, Office Manager Alison Dutton and Research Scientist Timothy Vaughan. Today we hear from Arianne… Continue reading A Day in the Life of Biz Dev Team Member Arianne Graham

Fibromyalgia Awareness Day Is This Saturday

Sponsored by the National Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Association (NFMCPA), Fibromyalgia Awareness Day (Saturday, May 12th) is an annual event dedicated to raising awareness of this complex chronic pain disorder.   Fibromyalgia (FM) affects an estimated 10 million people in the US, 75-90 percent of whom are women—but it can also occur in men and children. The… Continue reading Fibromyalgia Awareness Day Is This Saturday

Spotlighted Blogger: Meet Jessica of “Jessica and Psoriasis”

Welcome to the latest installment of our “Spotlighted Blogger” series.  This spring we are focusing on psoriasis patient bloggers, starting with Lissa back in March and Alisha B. a few weeks ago. Today, we’d like to introduce you to Jessica Gough, a 19-year-old from the UK who recently started a blog called Jessica and Psoriasis.… Continue reading Spotlighted Blogger: Meet Jessica of “Jessica and Psoriasis”

Get Moving for Arthritis Awareness Month

Did you know that arthritis is the most common cause of disability in the US?  Or that this disease – which affects some 50 million Americans – has more than 100 different types? May is Arthritis Awareness Month, a nationwide event sponsored by the Arthritis Foundation (AF) to raise awareness and funds.  All across the… Continue reading Get Moving for Arthritis Awareness Month

Jamie Heywood Is One of Hacking Work’s 100 Great Disruptive Heroes

How do you define a disruptive hero?  Here is Hacking Work’s three-pronged filter: Disruptive because they are proving conventional wisdom wrong. Heroes because they are changing the rules of the game, for the better. Great because they helped to change us all for the better. Given these demanding criteria, we are pleased to announce that… Continue reading Jamie Heywood Is One of Hacking Work’s 100 Great Disruptive Heroes