Diet and Nutrition Advice for People with Amyloidosis

Medically reviewed and verified by Kate Burke, MD, MHA If you have amyloidosis, there are a range of steps you can take to improve your health. Alongside medications, healthy life style changes are an accessible and easy way to start! Amyloidosis is a condition characterized by the buildup of amyloid proteins in tissues and organs.… Continue reading Diet and Nutrition Advice for People with Amyloidosis

Navigating a Vitamin A Deficiency Caused by Amyloidosis

Medically reviewed and verified by Kate Burke, MD, MHA  Among the different types of amyloidosis, there is one that can lead to a vitamin A deficiency in the body. Wild-type amyloidosis is characterized by a misfolding of the TTR protein. This protein, when functioning properly, moves two hormones throughout the body: thyroxine and retinol. Retinol… Continue reading Navigating a Vitamin A Deficiency Caused by Amyloidosis

Home Based Tips for Managing Amyloidosis with Confidence

Medically reviewed and verified by Kate Burke, MD, MHA  What are the best ways to deal with a complex diagnosis? It is important to work with your physician, stick to a medication regimen, and follow any lifestyle changes that are recommended. A common question for those living with a complex disease like amyloidosis is what… Continue reading Home Based Tips for Managing Amyloidosis with Confidence

Your Guide to Specialized Care for Amyloidosis

Medically reviewed and verified by Kate Burke, MD, MHA  Amyloidosis can affect many different parts of the body. If you are going in for treatment, you may have to work with different doctors throughout your health journey. This can be confusing! For many patients, understanding who they are talking to and what they do is… Continue reading Your Guide to Specialized Care for Amyloidosis

Lifting the Curtain on AL Amyloidosis

Medically reviewed and verified by Kate Burke, MD, MHA Amyloidosis is a disease that affects around 200,000 people in the United States each year. It is caused by proteins, called amyloids, that can misfold and build up in different parts of the body. When this happens, the organs they build up in are affected. There… Continue reading Lifting the Curtain on AL Amyloidosis

How Does Amyloidosis Affect the Nervous System?

Medically reviewed and verified by Kate Burke, MD MHA If you have been diagnosed with amyloidosis, you may notice some changes to your senses. When amyloidosis spreads throughout the body, it can affect how your nervous system carries information to the brain. Nerves are sensitive and delicate. When abnormal proteins build up, oftentimes there is… Continue reading How Does Amyloidosis Affect the Nervous System?

How Does Cardiac Amyloidosis Affect the Heart?

Medically reviewed and verified by Kate Burke, MD, MHA One of the many ways amyloidosis can affect the body is by accumulating in the heart. Cardiac amyloidosis is a rare but serious condition. It is characterized by the deposition of abnormal proteins, known as amyloids, in heart tissue. These amyloid deposits can disrupt the normal… Continue reading How Does Cardiac Amyloidosis Affect the Heart?

Is Amyloidosis a Cancer? Comparing the Two Diseases

Medically reviewed and verified by Kate Burke, MD, MHA In the realm of medical conditions, amyloidosis and cancer stand out as significant challenges. Both diseases involve the spread of abnormal cells throughout different parts of the body. They can show up in various organs and tissues, and if left untreated can be fatal. Each of… Continue reading Is Amyloidosis a Cancer? Comparing the Two Diseases

ATTR Amyloidosis: The Hidden Disease

Medically reviewed and verified by Kate Burke, MD MHA Heart failure, gastrointestinal problems, and nerve pain. Many conditions can cause these symptoms! One of them, often undetected and undiagnosed, is transthyretin amyloidosis, or ATTR amyloidosis. What exactly is that? Amyloidosis is a rare and progressive disease. It is categorized by the buildup of abnormal protein… Continue reading ATTR Amyloidosis: The Hidden Disease

How Does Amyloidosis Affect the Digestive System?

Medically reviewed and verified by Kate Burke, MD, MHA Amyloidosis is a rare group of disorders characterized by the abnormal accumulation of amyloid proteins in various organs and tissues throughout the body. While it primarily affects the heart, kidneys, nervous system, and liver, some forms of amyloidosis can also have a notable impact on the… Continue reading How Does Amyloidosis Affect the Digestive System?