Racism’s Impact on Black Women: Alarming Stroke Risk Unveiled

A recent 22-year study by Boston University’s Black Women’s Health Study (BHWS) involving 48,375 participants has revealed a disconcerting connection between reported experiences of racism and a 38% higher likelihood of strokes in Black women. The research challenges traditional notions of stroke risk factors. They emphasize the importance of considering social determinants like racism alongside… Continue reading Racism’s Impact on Black Women: Alarming Stroke Risk Unveiled

What Happens When Lupus Goes Untreated?

Lupus, a chronic autoimmune disease, is a complex condition that can affect various organs and systems in the body. While the symptoms can be managed with proper treatment, the consequences of leaving lupus untreated can be severe and far-reaching. Potential Complications of Untreated Lupus Lupus is known for its unpredictable nature, with symptoms ranging from… Continue reading What Happens When Lupus Goes Untreated?

Understanding Health Disparities

In the landscape of modern healthcare, the prevalence of health disparities remains a stark reality. Nowhere is this more evident than in the experiences of Black men and women, who often face unique challenges that contribute to inequities in health outcomes. Recognizing these disparities is the first step toward fostering a healthcare system that addresses… Continue reading Understanding Health Disparities

A Journey Through the Four Stages of MS

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a complex neurological condition characterized by the immune system’s attacks on the central nervous system. As we explore the distinct stages of MS, it’s crucial to recognize the evolving nature of this journey. There are many challenges faced by individuals, and different strategies employed to manage each stage effectively. PatientsLikeMe maps… Continue reading A Journey Through the Four Stages of MS

Harnessing Technology to Manage Chronic Pain

Living with chronic pain can be an overwhelming and debilitating experience. It affects not only physical well-being, but also mental and emotional health. As we navigate the digital age, innovative solutions are emerging to provide support and relief. One such advancement is the development of apps designed to help individuals manage chronic pain effectively. Can… Continue reading Harnessing Technology to Manage Chronic Pain

Fibromyalgia – Questions You Might Not Have Considered

Fibromyalgia does not have a cure which means living with fibromyalgia involves some lifestyle adjustments. Here are 5 lifestyle questions you may not have considered. 1. Why is it Important to Track and Share Your Symptoms? Living with fibromyalgia involves managing a myriad of symptoms that can fluctuate. Keeping a symptom journal not only helps… Continue reading Fibromyalgia – Questions You Might Not Have Considered

A Guide to Foods That Impact Lupus Symptoms

Living with lupus presents unique challenges, and managing symptoms often requires a multifaceted approach. While medication and lifestyle adjustments play crucial roles, diet can also significantly impact lupus. What foods do you need to keep an eye on? Today, PatientsLikeMe will explore a lupus diet; foods that may exacerbate lupus symptoms and those that can… Continue reading A Guide to Foods That Impact Lupus Symptoms

How to Increase Energy: Best Foods for Seniors

What are the Best Foods To Increase Energy Levels? How do Whole Grains Help? Whole grains contain complex carbohydrates that the body breaks down into glucose, providing a steady and sustained release of energy. This will help you maintain stable blood sugar levels, reducing the likelihood of energy crashes commonly associated with refined carbohydrates. What… Continue reading How to Increase Energy: Best Foods for Seniors

Navigating GFR: A Guide to Kidney Health

The human body is an intricately designed machine, and within it, the kidneys play a crucial role in maintaining overall health. Among the various markers used to assess kidney function, the Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) stands out as a key indicator. While it seems complicated, it is one of the best ways to measure kidney… Continue reading Navigating GFR: A Guide to Kidney Health

Low-Dose Methotrexate Carries Higher Risk for CKD Patients

Researchers in Canada looked at how two medications, low-dose methotrexate and hydroxychloroquine, affected older adults with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). They found that those who took low-dose methotrexate had a higher chance of having serious problems. They also had a higher probability of needing a hospital visit compared to those who took hydroxychloroquine. 2,309 individuals… Continue reading Low-Dose Methotrexate Carries Higher Risk for CKD Patients