Managing Fibromyalgia with Your Smartphone

Living with fibromyalgia can be a challenging journey, with symptoms ranging from chronic pain and fatigue to sleep disturbances and cognitive difficulties. However, in this age of technological advancement, our phones can be powerful tools to help manage our health and improve overall well-being. PatientsLikeMe App PatientsLikeMe just launched an updated app on both the… Continue reading Managing Fibromyalgia with Your Smartphone

A Guide for Safe Holiday Travel with Chronic Illnesses

The holiday season brings a mix of joy and stress, especially for those with chronic illnesses worried about safe holiday travel. Navigating the complexities of managing health while enjoying the festivities requires careful planning and consideration. By understanding your unique health needs and taking proactive measures, you can make holiday travel not only manageable but… Continue reading A Guide for Safe Holiday Travel with Chronic Illnesses

What are the Early Signs of Lupus? 

Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease that can affect various parts of the body, including the skin, joints, kidneys, heart, lungs, brain, and blood cells. It primarily affects women, typically in their childbearing years, though it can affect anyone, including men and children. Lupus is characterized by periods of flare-ups and remission, where symptoms may… Continue reading What are the Early Signs of Lupus? 

What are the Early Signs and Symptoms of MS? 

MS, or Multiple Sclerosis, is a chronic disease of the central nervous system. Thought to be an autoimmune disorder, this condition is unpredictable, and affects people differently. MS destroys the tissue surrounding and protecting nerves. As a result, the affected nerves cannot send signals to or from the brain. Some people may only have mild… Continue reading What are the Early Signs and Symptoms of MS? 

What is Spoon Theory?

Living with a chronic illness can be debilitating. Some days, you may wake up with enough energy to climb Mount Everest. But on other days, you can barely roll out of bed and every action takes every ounce of energy you have. Because chronic illness can be so unpredictable, it can be difficult to explain… Continue reading What is Spoon Theory?

Your Illness Does Not Make You a Burden

One day, you’re full of energy, doing chores around the house, running errands, and spending time with loved ones. The next, you’re laying down with your feet up, heating pad across your abdomen, asking your friend or family member to bring you an easily digestible, diary and gluten-free meal and if they would switch the… Continue reading Your Illness Does Not Make You a Burden

Navigating the Holidays with a Chronic Illness

The holidays are a wonderful time of the year, and it can be hard to get into the spirit when you’re living with a chronic illness. While there are a lot of joyful parts about the holidays, there are also some stressful parts. That’s why it’s important to recognize what aspects of the holiday seasons trigger your symptoms and to have a plan in place to reduce them.  Do the holidays make chronic illness worse?  Navigating the holidays with a chronic illness can be difficult,… Continue reading Navigating the Holidays with a Chronic Illness

Unexpected Warning Signs of Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Multiple sclerosis (MS) can be one of the most difficult conditions to diagnose because of the variety of symptoms it causes and the ways they present. Most people with MS experience their first symptoms between the ages of 20 and 40. Sometimes, symptoms can come on suddenly and go away just as quickly. Other times, symptoms will start minimally and progressively get worse. Because MS effects everyone… Continue reading Unexpected Warning Signs of Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

10 Early Warning Signs of Chronic Kidney Disease

How often do you think about your kidneys? Probably not very often. When your kidneys are functioning properly, it’s easy to forget what a key role they play in your health. But when your kidneys aren’t working as well as they should, your body will send you warning signals to let you know something is wrong. These warnings can be early indicators of chronic kidney disease.   What is… Continue reading 10 Early Warning Signs of Chronic Kidney Disease

How to Use Mindfulness to Manage Chronic Pain 

While it’s normal to feel pain from time to time, especially after an injury, chronic pain is different. When you have chronic pain, your body will continue to hurt months or even years after the initial injury or illness.   Feelings of pain stem from a series of messages that are sent through the nervous system.… Continue reading How to Use Mindfulness to Manage Chronic Pain