Putting a face on PTSD

The National Center for PTSD has named June Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness Month, and over the next few weeks, we’ll all be learning, connecting and sharing about it to better help everyone living with the neurological condition. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 7.7 million adults are living with PTSD in the… Continue reading Putting a face on PTSD

Turning blue for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Awareness

Did you know that today is International Awareness Day for Chronic Immunological and Neurological Diseases (CINDs)? CINDs include fibromyalgia, Gulf War Syndrome, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Lyme disease and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (also know as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or ME/CFS). ME/CFS is tough to diagnose because there are no tests for it, and other conditions can cause very similar… Continue reading Turning blue for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Awareness

“In my own words” – PatientsLikeMe member Eleanor writes about her journey with bipolar II: Part I

  We just posted that May is Mental Health Month, and so we wanted to help raise awareness by getting the patient perspective out there. PatientsLikeMe member Eleanor (redblack) first experienced bipolar II as a young woman, and she’s been managing her mental health with the help of her family and psychiatrist ever since. She shared… Continue reading “In my own words” – PatientsLikeMe member Eleanor writes about her journey with bipolar II: Part I