Share Your Experiences with Euphytose

Available without a prescription in France, Euphytose is an herbal treatment for anxiety and depression that contains six plant extracts:  Hawthorn, Passionflower, Valerian, Ballota foetida, Cola nitida and Guarana (Paullinia cupana).  The latter is available in France as an over-the-counter anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) agent. Producing both sedative and stimulant effects, Euphytose combines traditional herbal remedies for… Continue reading Share Your Experiences with Euphytose

See What Other Patients Are Saying About Metoprolol Succ ER

Metoprolol Succ ER (the common abbreviation for Metoprolol Succinate ER and a generic form of Toprol XL) is an extended release formulation of the drug metoprolol, which is used for the treatment of angina or hypertension and to reduce mortality/hospitalization in patients with heart failure who are already receiving cardiac and diuretic medications. At PatientsLikeMe,… Continue reading See What Other Patients Are Saying About Metoprolol Succ ER

Share your experiences with the antidepressant ADCO Mirteron

ADCO Mirteron is an international brand of mirtazapine, a tetracyclic antidepressant that is used to treat depression and, in come cases, insomnia.  At PatientsLikeMe, where more than 115,000 patients are sharing their experiences with prescription drugs, supplements and more, we have just one patient who reports taking ADCO Mirteron while more than 300 patients report… Continue reading Share your experiences with the antidepressant ADCO Mirteron