A Year in Review: PatientsLikeMe in 2009

As 2009 comes to an end, we want to take this opportunity to thank all of our members, partners and general fans for another great year.   Here’s a recap of some of the exciting happenings at PatientsLikeMe these past 12 months.  Wishing you all a Happy New Year! Community Milestones This year, the 15+ disease… Continue reading A Year in Review: PatientsLikeMe in 2009

The Smart List (Forget Medical Privacy) and The Future of Healthcare

Check out the October issue of WIRED magazine!  PatientsLikeMe makes “The Smart List:  12 Shocking Ideas That Will Change the World.”  In an interview with Brendan Koerner (“Forget Medical Privacy“), Co-founder Jamie Heywood talks about how “the lack of openness [in medicine] is making us sicker” and how sharing individual health data can benefit you. … Continue reading The Smart List (Forget Medical Privacy) and The Future of Healthcare