Psychotherapy and PTSD symptoms: Your questions answered

Recently, a number of PatientsLikeMe members shared some of the questions they had about psychotherapy and  remission from PTSD symptoms, so we asked Meaghan Zisk, R.N. M.P.H., a nurse and Health Data and Patient Safety Clinical Specialist, to investigate. She took a deep dive into variations of PTSD, psychotherapy types, how they work and resources to help… Continue reading Psychotherapy and PTSD symptoms: Your questions answered

Marijuana and MS: Get the scoop

From legality to availability, recreational use and potential use as treatment, marijuana is a hot topic. In the MS forum, members are talking about marijuana and its potential to relieve symptoms of MS like pain, tremor and spasticity. We wanted to know more, so we asked our Health Data Integrity team to take a look… Continue reading Marijuana and MS: Get the scoop

MS and Biotin: Is there a link?

You’ve probably heard about biotin and reports that it might improve health. Like most things on the internet, the truth isn’t always clear. To clear up some of the swirl, our Health Data Integrity team took a deep dive into the current research. So, what’s biotin and how can it impact health and MS? Take… Continue reading MS and Biotin: Is there a link?

How cancer affects diet + pointers for trying to eat well

Many PatientsLikeMe members have talked in the forum about the dietary impact of lung cancer treatment and how it has hindered their eating. As many as 40 to 60 percent of patients with lung cancer experience unintentional weight loss. Eating well (or as best you can) during and after cancer treatment can help you keep… Continue reading How cancer affects diet + pointers for trying to eat well

A day in the life of User Experience Designer Flavia Gnecco

By now, you’re probably familiar with our “Day in the life” series. But in case you haven’t had a chance to check it out, here’s a quick overview: members of the PatientsLikeMe community share a lot about their health journey and experiences on the site. In turn, we like to share stories from the PatientsLikeMe… Continue reading A day in the life of User Experience Designer Flavia Gnecco