How Digitization Helps Patients Become Their Own Health Advocates

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed many aspects of people’s lives, including health care. Many physicians and practices were forced to transition from traditional, in-person doctor’s visits to telehealth appointments. Only under more extreme or necessary circumstances were patients allowed in-person visits, and often times they were forced to go to those visits alone and without… Continue reading How Digitization Helps Patients Become Their Own Health Advocates

Health Information: What Sources Do People Trust?

Finding accurate and reliable health information has become more confusing for patients than ever before. By examining where patients are getting their information — for example, from trained healthcare professionals or their peers — and their ability to determine the most reliable sources can help the industry and patients better understand the importance of providing… Continue reading Health Information: What Sources Do People Trust?

How to Thrive: Takeaways from TEDx Cambridge

Patient Experience Manager Kate Brigham and I attended TEDx Cambridge last week, a one-day event full of thought-provoking and inspirational talks about Ideas Worth Spreading (TED’s mission). The participants didn’t want to just survive, they wanted to Thrive, which was this year’s theme. Speakers, including our President and Co-Founder Ben Heywood, enlightened the crowd with… Continue reading How to Thrive: Takeaways from TEDx Cambridge

Bil:Pil Conference Presentation on PatientsLikeMe

A few weeks ago, I gave a 30-minute talk about PatientsLikeMe at Bil:Pil, the unconference following TEDMED in San Diego (where Jamie Heywood made an amazing presentation, by the way). The topic of my presentation was “A Healthy Mix with an Economic Twist.” I focused on how difficult it can be to make money in… Continue reading Bil:Pil Conference Presentation on PatientsLikeMe

The Patient Voice – Loud and Clear

We are excited to present the first member video for the PatientsLikeMe Mood community and what better way to kick it off than with one that represents the voice of the patient. In June, we launched The Patient Voice with the inaugural report on inpatient therapy, a topic often discussed by our Mood community members. … Continue reading The Patient Voice – Loud and Clear