Coming together to recognize World Aids Day

We believe that the best way to live better is by sharing real-world health experiences with each other, and today, PatientsLikeMe and are encouraging everyone to share their own stories with HIV and AIDS. The theme of this year’s World Aids Day is “Shared Responsibility: Strengthening Results for an AIDS-Free Generation,” and you can participate by reaching… Continue reading Coming together to recognize World Aids Day

Take an HIV Test. Take Control.

“CDC estimates that 55 percent of adults – and 28 percent of adults with a risk factor for HIV – have not been tested.  Too many people living with HIV are being tested and diagnosed too late to take advantage of effective HIV treatment and prevention options.” – Dr. Kevin A. Fenton, Director, CDC’s National… Continue reading Take an HIV Test. Take Control.

How Would You Evaluate Your Experience with Myrin P-Forte?

Myrin P-Forte is an anti-tuberculosis agent that contains ethambutol, rifampicin, isoniasad and pyrazinamide. An anti-mycobacterial treatment, ethambutol eliminates certain bacteria that cause tuberculosis and is used in combination with other drugs to treat tuberculosis and prevent transmission to others. At PatientsLikeMe, where more than 120,000 patients are sharing their experiences with conditions, symptoms, treatments and… Continue reading How Would You Evaluate Your Experience with Myrin P-Forte?

Patient Choices: The Deciding Factors

In a recent series on patient choices, we’ve highlighted a lot of the decisions patients like you have to make on a daily basis.  A few weeks ago, David S. Williams kicked off the series with a blog about the treatment and career decisions that patients like you, and his mother, have made.  Kate Brigham… Continue reading Patient Choices: The Deciding Factors

The Choices Patients Like You – and Like My Mother – Face

Patients like you with life-changing conditions have to make choices every day, just like anyone else. These choices, however, typically have more at stake than how to RSVP to a party or even whether to walk away from an “underwater” home. For patients like you, your lives may be at stake. I have watched my… Continue reading The Choices Patients Like You – and Like My Mother – Face

Share and Compare: A PatientsLikeMe Year in Review (Part III – more R&D)

The research team is very proud of how our team has grown in 2010 and the impact we’ve made in the academic community.  In 2010 alone, PatientsLikeMe and our work were mentioned in scientific literature more than 133 times.  All of this is because of what you share with us. Yesterday, we highlighted some of… Continue reading Share and Compare: A PatientsLikeMe Year in Review (Part III – more R&D)

Overcoming Obstacles – Newsletter Highlight 2010

Last week, we posted highlights from our December community newsletter interviews. As we close out 2010, we want to spotlight another question asked this month – one that is relative to all members, all patients (no matter the condition).  What obstacles have you faced and overcome this year? To review all of our newsletters, you… Continue reading Overcoming Obstacles – Newsletter Highlight 2010

Sharing and Learning with PatientsLikeMe

In December community newsletters (launched earlier this week), we asked some of our members to think about what they’ve shared and compared in 2010.  Below are highlighted answers from each interviewee across all nine community newsletters.  Thank you for your contributions. We also want to thank all of you who have contributed to the 90… Continue reading Sharing and Learning with PatientsLikeMe

World AIDS Day 2010: Did you know…

Did you know today is World AIDS Day? Thanks to the many different organizations (including those like recognizing the day and raising awareness about HIV and AIDS. Now a few years old, the PatientsLikeMe HIV community currently has more than 2,800 people with HIV sharing their health information to help others learn from their… Continue reading World AIDS Day 2010: Did you know…

Know Thy Self – Measuring Your Quality of Life

Last Fall, PatientsLikeMe introduced our Quality of Life (QoL) tool which is displayed on the profiles of members in the HIV community.  By answering a few questions, patients can see how HIV is impacting them – physically, socially and mentally.  Today, this same QoL measure is used by thousands of patients across the HIV community… Continue reading Know Thy Self – Measuring Your Quality of Life