How Common is Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)?

If you notice a depressed mood or loss of interest in things that once brought you joy, you could be experiencing a depressive episode. Throughout our lives, everyone has depressive periods whether due to traumatic events, grief, stress, or various other causes. But individuals who suffer for extended periods of time with a depressed mood… Continue reading How Common is Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)?

5 Steps for Supporting a Loved One with MDD 

Your loved one is suddenly suffering with a depressed mood, lack of motivation, and a loss of interest in things they once loved. This person you care for needs help, but where do you start? Check out this article below full of tips and tricks for supporting a loved one with MDD. Mental Health America’s… Continue reading 5 Steps for Supporting a Loved One with MDD 

Seasonal Depression in the Summer

For many, the summer months are a joyous time. Vacations, sunny days, and shorter nights. A chance to just relax and kick back with your family. Or even, time to enjoy the things you don’t normally get to during the rest of the year. But, for others, summertime can result in an unexpected depressive period,… Continue reading Seasonal Depression in the Summer

Major Depressive Disorder and Genetics

Each part of your body, brain included, has a genetic component that helps control it. During a lifetime, different genes are activated or deactivated depending on your biological needs. In the best-case scenario, the genetic combinations result in stability and growth, while genetic mutations or certain genetic combinations can result in a destabilized mood. According… Continue reading Major Depressive Disorder and Genetics

Is MDD Hereditary? 

According to Standford University, “At least 10% of people in the U.S. will experience major depressive disorder at some point in their lives. Two times as many women as men experience major depression.”   Depression is a serious mood disorder that can cause persistent feelings of sadness and loss of interest in normal day-to-day activities. Also… Continue reading Is MDD Hereditary? 

Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD): Overview

What is Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD)? Persistent Depressive Disorder, also known as dysthymia, is a chronic form of depression characterized by a persistent low mood that lasts for at least two years in adults (one year in children and adolescents). Individuals with PDD often experience a range of depressive symptoms that may not be as… Continue reading Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD): Overview

3 Suicide Warning Signs to Look Out For

Suicide claims the lives of over 47,500 people every year in the United States. When a person dies by suicide, it affects family, friends, and communities, leaving them lost, confused, and in some cases, feeling responsible for their death.   “Death by suicide” means intentionally ending your own life. It’s often a way for people… Continue reading 3 Suicide Warning Signs to Look Out For

How to Treat Major Depressive Disorder

Feeling sad or down is a normal human emotion. It’s natural to feel negative feelings like sadness or depression when facing a life challenge, such as losing a job, the passing of a loved one, or facing a serious illness. These are usually short-lived and don’t interfere with daily living. But when these feelings become… Continue reading How to Treat Major Depressive Disorder

Am I Depressed? Surprising Signs of Depression

Life gets tough sometimes, and you may start to feel stressed or down. Over the last few weeks, or months, you’ve noticed you’re having more bad days than good – you’re less productive at work, spending more time alone, and haven’t been able to sleep.  Something feels different from the normal ups and downs you’ve… Continue reading Am I Depressed? Surprising Signs of Depression

“This’ll make you feel better!î About Depression Advice from people who don’t have depression

Martha Mills, a writer for The Guardian, candidly wrote a piece called “’Just go for a run’: testing everyday advice for depression,” where she reviews tips that people unfamiliar with depression have offered her to “keep the blues away.” Check out her assessment of different kinds of advice, plus hear what the PatientsLikeMe community has said about mental health–related tips… Continue reading “This’ll make you feel better!î About Depression Advice from people who don’t have depression