PatientsLikeMe Researchers Score a Hat Trick

The term “hat trick” originated in 1858 after English cricketer HH Stephenson successfully bowled out three batsmen with consecutive bowls and he was presented with a hat to commemorate his feat. In June, PatientsLikeMe’s research team scored a hat trick of our own by publishing three new studies in scientific journals in just four days,… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe Researchers Score a Hat Trick

Mike Wallace, Depression and Me

In honor of Men’s Health Week, we are pleased to present a guest post by PatientsLikeMe member tiredoftired, a young man who has been living with major depressive disorder since 2007.  Don’t miss this moving essay about how Mike Wallace’s passing earlier this year impacted and inspired him. As I was driving to therapy on… Continue reading Mike Wallace, Depression and Me

It’s the Season for Seasonal Affective Disorder

Now that daylight savings time has ended, the days are shorter, and before you know it, it’s nightfall.  Has this affected your mood? Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), also known as seasonal depression, is a condition marked by a period of depression that occurs during the same season year after year.  In most cases, that season… Continue reading It’s the Season for Seasonal Affective Disorder

Mental Illness Awareness Week: Stigmas, Stereotypes and Sharing

On Tuesday, we recognized Mental Illness Awareness Week (October 2-8) by sharing some of our mental health members’ vivid descriptions of what depression feels like. Today, we’ve taken a look at what else our members are sharing – or not sharing – about more than a dozen mental health conditions at PatientsLikeMe. On the site,… Continue reading Mental Illness Awareness Week: Stigmas, Stereotypes and Sharing

Mental Illness Awareness Week: What Does Depression Feel Like?

Since 1990, the first week of October has been recognized as National Mental Illness Awareness Week by the U.S. Congress. Under the leadership of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), mental health advocates across the country are joining together this week to sponsor numerous awareness-raising activities based on the theme of “Changing Attitudes, Changing… Continue reading Mental Illness Awareness Week: What Does Depression Feel Like?