It’s time to recognize mental illness in October

Think about this for a second; according to the National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI) 1 in 4 people, or 25% of American adults, will be diagnosed with a mental illness this year. On top of that, 20 percent of American children (1 in 5) will also be diagnosed. And so for 7 days, October… Continue reading It’s time to recognize mental illness in October

National Depression Screening Day and National Bipolar Awareness Day

As part of Mental Illness Awareness Week, today is both National Depression Screening Day and National Bipolar Awareness Day. It’s all part of a larger effort to raise awareness about the mental conditions that affect the lives of millions of people around the world. So what are the stats on depression?[1] Depression affects as many… Continue reading National Depression Screening Day and National Bipolar Awareness Day

Did you know it’s Mental Illness Awareness Week?

The U.S. Congress has recognized the week of October 6th as Mental Illness Awareness Week (MIAW), and if you or anyone you know is living with a mental health or neurological condition, it’s time to raise awareness and share your experiences. Serious mental illnesses cover a lot of different conditions (including depression, schizophrenia and bipolar… Continue reading Did you know it’s Mental Illness Awareness Week?