2014 recap – a year of sharing in the PatientsLikeMe community

Another year has come and gone here at PatientsLikeMe, and as we started to look back at who’s shared their experiences, we were quite simply amazed. More than 30 members living with 9 different conditions opened up for a blog interview in 2014. But that’s just the start. Others have shared about their health journeys… Continue reading 2014 recap – a year of sharing in the PatientsLikeMe community

Getting to know our 2014 Team of Advisors – Lisa

A few weeks ago, we kicked off the “Getting to know our 2014 Team of Advisors” blog series with Dana, a PatientsLikeMe member from New Jersey that is living with bipolar II. And now, we’d like to introduce you to another member of the team – Lisa.  About Lisa (aka lcs) Lisa’s recent work experience… Continue reading Getting to know our 2014 Team of Advisors – Lisa

The Patient Voice- Parkinson’s member Ed shares his story

  Back in March, we shared some of our infographics and videos on the blog, and as part of our #dataforgood initiative, PatientsLikeMe member Ed spoke about his experiences with Parkinson’s disease and why he thinks it’s all a group effort. Click above to watch his video, and keep an eye out for more interviews with… Continue reading The Patient Voice- Parkinson’s member Ed shares his story

“I would just like to understand the ‘why’” – a conversation with PD community member dropsies

Right at the start of April, you might have seen us post on the blog that it’s Parkinson’s (PD) Awareness Month. And to keep Parkinson’s awareness going strong all month long, we’re sharing a recent interview with PatientsLikeMe member Betty – aka dropsies to those in the community. She was diagnosed with Parkinson’s back in… Continue reading “I would just like to understand the ‘why’” – a conversation with PD community member dropsies

Making a difference for Parkinson’s disease in April

  After getting diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease (PD), PatientsLikeMe member Ed recalled “I needed to talk to people who had the disease, because only they knew what it was like…and could help me get through that initial shock… we can do much better fighting the disease as a group than we can as individuals.” And… Continue reading Making a difference for Parkinson’s disease in April

PatientsLikeMe and Sage Bionetworks launch open science study for people with Parkinson’s Disease

Companies Partner With TED Fellow Dr. Max Little to Map the Severity of the Disease CAMBRIDGE, Mass.— February 5, 2014—PatientsLikeMe and the nonprofit research organization Sage Bionetworks announced today the launch of a new crowdsourced study to develop voice analysis tools that both researchers and people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) can use to track PD… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe and Sage Bionetworks launch open science study for people with Parkinson’s Disease

As 2013 winds down… Part I

We wanted to take a quick look back and share how the PatientsLikeMe community has continued to change healthcare for good over the last year. Thousands of members added their voices to real-time research, all while providing support to one another and sharing about their personal health experiences. It really is a group effort, so… Continue reading As 2013 winds down… Part I

The ‘something’ that helps you forget

If you’re living with a life changing condition, it’s sometimes hard to take your mind off it. We become consumed by medications, side effects, symptoms and everyday living. But every once in a while, we find something that can take our minds somewhere else. And for a time, no matter how brief, all those worries… Continue reading The ‘something’ that helps you forget

Young professionals, students and patients gather to collaborate at 5th Parkinson’s Disease Summer School

The Parkinson’s Disease Summer School was founded in 2008 by Paul de Roos of the European Medical Students’ Association and Krzysztof Nesterowicz of the European Pharmacy Students’ Association. This year, the school is leaving its European roots and relocating to Montreal, Canada. Thirty participants from around the world will work in small teams to develop… Continue reading Young professionals, students and patients gather to collaborate at 5th Parkinson’s Disease Summer School

Raising Awareness for Parkinson’s Disease

Did you know that four to six million people have Parkinson’s disease (PD) worldwide? And that 50,000-60,000 new cases of PD are diagnosed each year in the US?[1] April is Parkinson’s Awareness Month and there are more ways than ever for you to “Join the Fight” against this neurodegenerative brain disorder. The Parkinson’s Disease Foundation… Continue reading Raising Awareness for Parkinson’s Disease