Gambling in online PD patients higher than previously reported

When most people think of Parkinson’s disease (PD), they think of a shuffling gait, a shaky hand, and slowness of movement. As awareness has increased of the non-movement symptoms of PD, such as hallucinations and depression, we’ve seen the psychological consequences the disease can have too. More recently, studies in the scientific literature have been… Continue reading Gambling in online PD patients higher than previously reported

Share On: Parkinson’s Awareness Month and PatientsLikeMe PD Community Anniversary

Did you know this April is both Parkinson’s Awareness Month and the 2-year anniversary of the PatientsLikeMe Parkinson’s community?  We invite you to celebrate with us all month as we share real-world patient insights and experiences of living with this disease…and we ask you to share on! The PatientsLikeMe Parkinson’s community has come a long… Continue reading Share On: Parkinson’s Awareness Month and PatientsLikeMe PD Community Anniversary

More Than Meets the Eye: Non-motor Symptoms in Young-onset Parkinson’s Disease

Most people think of Parkinson’s disease (PD) as a condition of aging, and most of the time they’re right. Looking at the population as a whole, about 1-2% of people over the age of 65 have PD, and it’s usually a condition that is most severe in patients in their 70’s and 80’s. However, about… Continue reading More Than Meets the Eye: Non-motor Symptoms in Young-onset Parkinson’s Disease

PatientsLikeMe at the Young-Onset Parkinson’s Network Conference

PatientsLikeMe was a proud sponsor of the National Parkinson’s Foundation Young-Onset Parkinson’s Network (YOPN) Conference in Atlanta, GA last week. The event, coordinated by and for people living with Young-Onset Parkinson Disease (YOPD), was a huge success. Paul Wicks and I (Maureen Oakes) enjoyed working at the booth, meeting many of our current members and… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe at the Young-Onset Parkinson’s Network Conference

PatientsLikeMe Facebook Page

Are you on Facebook? We are! Simply search for “PatientsLikeMe” to find our new company page. Once there, click “Become A Fan,” and a “My Pages” link will be added to your profile. Remember, Facebook is an open platform that anyone can view and isn’t part of PatientsLikeMe. Therefore, any information you share about you… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe Facebook Page

PatientsLikeMe at the Parkinson’s Unity Walk

PatientsLikeMe was a proud sponsor of the 14th Annual Parkinson’s Unity Walk in New York City this past Saturday (April 26, 2008). Jeff Cole, Kate Brigham, Maureen Oakes and I (Lori Scanlon) were all onsite working at our sponsored booth. The event, which raised more than $1.3 million in donations this year, brought together thousands… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe at the Parkinson’s Unity Walk

PatientsLikeMe Corporate Update: Q1 2008

This month marks the two-year anniversary of our flagship ALS community. It’s amazing to reflect on what we’ve achieved in just two short years. Not only did we build the world’s largest treatment and outcome sharing communities for ALS (1,800+ patients), MS (4,500+ patients) and Parkinson’s (1,300+ patients), but this year we began evolving into… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe Corporate Update: Q1 2008

PatientsLikeMe Update: November 2007

It’s been six months since we launched our first newsletter, and a lot has happened at PatientsLikeMe in that time. With the holiday season now upon us, we thought we should give thanks for the amazing strides made in all our communities. There is power in numbers, as they say, and we are grateful to… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe Update: November 2007

PatientsLikeMe Parkinson’s Patient Spotlight: Lynette1400

At PatientsLikeMe, we believe in getting to know the person, not just the “patient.” That’s why we’ve decided to interview one patient each month to find out more about how he or she approaches life. This month we are pleased to feature Lynette1400, a two-star member. What are you thankful for? A loving husband and… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe Parkinson’s Patient Spotlight: Lynette1400

PatientsLikeMe Parkinson’s Patient Spotlight: chethk

At PatientsLikeMe, we believe in getting to know the person, not just the “patient.” That’s why we’ve decided to interview one member each month to find out more about how he or she approaches life. This month we are pleased to feature chethk, a two-star member. Where do you find joy? I find joy by… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe Parkinson’s Patient Spotlight: chethk