“The real me” An interview with psoriasis patient and PatientsLikeMe member Maria

Here at PatientsLikeMe, we’re continuing to talk with people who are sharing their health experiences to help raise awareness about their conditions and change medicine for good. For our latest interview, we spoke with Maria who has been living with psoriasis since age 14. Some of you may know her on PatientsLikeMe as pinkdragonrider. She… Continue reading “The real me” An interview with psoriasis patient and PatientsLikeMe member Maria

“It’s all about attitude.” An interview with multiple sclerosis patient and PatientsLikeMe member Alys

Have you met Alys yet? Some of you may know her on PatientsLikeMe as browneyedgirl3. Alys was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) back in 1987 and has been sharing her own personal health journey on PatientsLikeMe since 2009. She recently took some time to talk to us about her diagnosis, staying optimistic and what inspired… Continue reading “It’s all about attitude.” An interview with multiple sclerosis patient and PatientsLikeMe member Alys

Keith & Sarah’s personal journey with rare lung disease. Part III, “Bonus round”

Over the last few months, Keith and Sarah have been sharing their journey with us. In this final interview of our three-part series, they talk about how he got on a transplant list and their “phones at the dinner table” policy. If you missed our first two interviews with Keith and Sarah, you can find… Continue reading Keith & Sarah’s personal journey with rare lung disease. Part III, “Bonus round”

“I still haven’t given up hope.” An interview with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis patient David

Say ‘hi’ to David. Some of you may know him on PatientsLikeMe as db.09. He developed his first visible symptom of psoriasis at the very young age of 3. Now 22, he’s sharing his personal journey with this highly stigmatized autoimmune condition, along with psoriatic arthritis and Chron’s. See how his conditions have actually given… Continue reading “I still haven’t given up hope.” An interview with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis patient David

Keith & Sarah’s personal journey with rare lung disease. Part II, “Lungies”

In this second interview of our three-part series, Keith and Sarah talk about how their daily lives changed and the importance of connecting with others. If you missed our first interview with Keith and Sarah, you can find it here. What were the most noticeable changes you had to make in your daily life? [Keith]… Continue reading Keith & Sarah’s personal journey with rare lung disease. Part II, “Lungies”

“Make memories starting now!” An interview about idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis with Kim Durand

Many of you have seen our “Spotlighted Blogger” series, where we talk with people who are sharing their personal health experiences to help raise awareness of disease and change healthcare for good. Well for the first time on our blog, we’re talking with a “Facebooker.” Kim started her Facebook page, Pulmonary Fibrosis Awareness, after her… Continue reading “Make memories starting now!” An interview about idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis with Kim Durand

“Not in this fight alone.” An interview with multiple sclerosis patient Monica

Say ‘hello’ to Monica. Some of you may know her on PatientsLikeMe as msajstall. She was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) back in 2005 and has been a member of the PatientsLikeMe community for 6 years now. She recently took some time to talk with us about her diagnosis, finding the right healthcare coverage and… Continue reading “Not in this fight alone.” An interview with multiple sclerosis patient Monica

“I choose hope.” Interview with Multiple Sclerosis Blogger Tricia

In our “Spotlighted Blogger” series, we’re talking with people who are sharing their personal health experiences to help raise awareness of disease and change healthcare for good. For our latest interview, we’re talking with Tricia who’s writing about her journey with multiple sclerosis (MS) on her blog Love My MS Life. Some of you may… Continue reading “I choose hope.” Interview with Multiple Sclerosis Blogger Tricia

Keith & Sarah’s personal journey with rare lung disease. Part I, “Fine”

As part of our “Spotlighted Blogger” series, we’re talking with people who are sharing their personal health experiences to help raise awareness of disease and change healthcare for good. For our latest interview, we’re talking with Sarah and Keith. Sarah started writing about her fiancé Keith’s journey with a rare lung disease back in July… Continue reading Keith & Sarah’s personal journey with rare lung disease. Part I, “Fine”

Finding Peace, Confidence and Lifelong Friends: An Interview with Psoriasis Patient Erica

Of all the psoriasis patients we’ve interviewed, Erica was hit by this highly stigmatized autoimmune condition the earliest – she developed visible symptoms at the tender age of 9.  Now 21, she shares her decade-plus journey from being the girl that people avoided in school to an increasingly confident young woman who has finally started… Continue reading Finding Peace, Confidence and Lifelong Friends: An Interview with Psoriasis Patient Erica