PatientsLikeMe Announces Video Contest Winners

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — June 23, 2011 — Today, the health website PatientsLikeMe reveals the winners of its first-ever “Express Yourself” video contest in which members were asked to answer the question – “How has PatientsLikeMe changed your life?”  Congratulations to these top winners chosen across three different categories: Most Creative Presentation: tiredoftired of New Jersey for Depression Feels Like Most Inspiring… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe Announces Video Contest Winners

PatientsLikeMe “Express Yourself” Video Contest: Voting Ends Tomorrow!

Have you voted yet? Tomorrow, June 3, is the last day for you to decide the winner of the first-ever PatientsLikeMe “Express Yourself” Video Contest. We asked, “How has PatientsLikeMe changed your life?” to our members, and they have responded with creative and amazing videos that the entire world can now see. Five winners will… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe “Express Yourself” Video Contest: Voting Ends Tomorrow!

Two Mental Health Videos You Need to See

Did you know that May is Mental Health Awareness Month? To help put a face on mental health conditions, which affect one in four American adults, we wanted to share two amazing patient stories. They both created heartfelt videos as part of our PatientsLikeMe “Express Yourself Video Contest,” and we’re proud of what a great… Continue reading Two Mental Health Videos You Need to See

PatientsLikeMe “Express Yourself” Video Contest: Deadline Extended!

How has PatientsLikeMe changed your life?  You told us…and let us just say “wow!” Many of you submitted amazingly powerful videos to answer that question. Thank you!  Given the number of requests we received, however, we’re extending the PatientsLikeMe “Express Yourself” Video Contest deadline for a few weeks to give more of you the chance to… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe “Express Yourself” Video Contest: Deadline Extended!