PatientsLikeMe adds information about patient experiences with medications to Walgreens Pharmacy website

                Newly-enhanced health dashboard now includes access to patient-reported data on side effects for 5000+ medications CAMBRIDGE, MA., February 18, 2015—PatientsLikeMe is working with Walgreens to help make it easier for people to understand how the medications they take may affect them. Now, anyone researching a medication or… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe adds information about patient experiences with medications to Walgreens Pharmacy website

PatientsLikeMe invites patients to lead research projects on Open Research Exchange

New $2.4 Million Grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Supports Two Patient-Led Projects in 2014 to Develop, Test and Validate Patient-Reported Outcomes CAMBRIDGE, Mass.—March 27, 2014—Expanding on its mission to put patients at the center of clinical research, PatientsLikeMe today announced that patients can now apply to lead the development of new health outcome… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe invites patients to lead research projects on Open Research Exchange

“We can and will do better” – An interview on pulmonary fibrosis with Dr. Jeff Swigris

Just this past month, a few members of the PatientsLikeMe Team (Arianne, Dave and Rishi) traveled to La Jolla, CA for the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation Summit. It was quite the mixed crowd (with patients, clinicians and researchers), and it gave them (and everyone at PatientsLikeMe) a chance to learn more about pulmonary fibrosis (PF) from… Continue reading “We can and will do better” – An interview on pulmonary fibrosis with Dr. Jeff Swigris

Improving drug safety through the patient voice

At PatientsLikeMe we’re interested in bringing the voice of our patients to the attention of those who make drug products and to the regulators that approve them. Since 2008 we have conducted a series of projects to collect safety information from some of our member communities. We’ve worked with our pharmaceutical partners to help them… Continue reading Improving drug safety through the patient voice

Share and Compare: A PatientsLikeMe Year in Review (Part II – R&D)

The PatientsLikeMe research and development (R&D) team is excited about what we can all share and learn in 2011.  Here’s a look back at some of what patients like you shared with us, and what we then shared with the world, in 2010. The R&D team published and presented some unprecedented insights based on what… Continue reading Share and Compare: A PatientsLikeMe Year in Review (Part II – R&D)

Share and Compare: Be a PRO! Understand Your Experiences in Context

This week on our blog, we’ve been highlighting how patients like you are putting their experiences in context.  With the launch of InstantMe and some of the design updates you read about, you can see we’re listening to your call for more functionality that lets you understand how your condition affects the whole you. Patient… Continue reading Share and Compare: Be a PRO! Understand Your Experiences in Context

Epilepsy Awareness Month: What do you know about Epilepsy?

Launched earlier this year, the PatientsLikeMe Epilepsy community now has more than 3,000 patients.  In honor of Epilepsy Awareness Month, here’s a snapshot of what patients like you are sharing and learning about in this community. Did you know… You can search for patients by more than 10 seizure types, such as simple partial, myoclonic,… Continue reading Epilepsy Awareness Month: What do you know about Epilepsy?

Know Thy Self – Measuring Your Quality of Life

Last Fall, PatientsLikeMe introduced our Quality of Life (QoL) tool which is displayed on the profiles of members in the HIV community.  By answering a few questions, patients can see how HIV is impacting them – physically, socially and mentally.  Today, this same QoL measure is used by thousands of patients across the HIV community… Continue reading Know Thy Self – Measuring Your Quality of Life

FDA’s New Guidance on Patient-Reported Outcomes

We’re big fans of patient-reported outcomes (PROs) here at PatientsLikeMe, defined by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) as: “A measurement based on a report that comes directly from the patient about the status of a patient’s health condition without amendment or interpretation of the patient’s response by a clinician or anyone else.” The self-report… Continue reading FDA’s New Guidance on Patient-Reported Outcomes