Open Access for All: PatientsLikeMe’s Epilepsy Survey Results Now Published

Last April, we had the honor of presenting the results of our epilepsy survey at the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) Annual Meeting.   In some of the key takeaways, we shared that 55% of respondents consider PatientsLikeMe “moderately or very” helpful in learning about the type of seizures they experience. 45% found it useful for… Continue reading Open Access for All: PatientsLikeMe’s Epilepsy Survey Results Now Published

Epilepsy Awareness Month: What do you know about Epilepsy?

Launched earlier this year, the PatientsLikeMe Epilepsy community now has more than 3,000 patients.  In honor of Epilepsy Awareness Month, here’s a snapshot of what patients like you are sharing and learning about in this community. Did you know… You can search for patients by more than 10 seizure types, such as simple partial, myoclonic,… Continue reading Epilepsy Awareness Month: What do you know about Epilepsy?