See our members’ online art show!

PatientsLikeMe members have a lot in common beyond their experiences with their health conditions. For example: a love of creativity and visual arts. For the second year in a row, PatientsLikeMe members have contributed to an online community art show, hosted in our Mental Health and Behavior forum but open to all members. With their… Continue reading See our members’ online art show!

It’s Self-Care Day! 7 “pillars” for taking care of you


Today is International Self-Care Day. There’s even a Senate resolution designating July 24 as a day to recognize the importance of self-care in the U.S. (it’s on 7/24 because, ideally, it should be a focus 24/7 for everyone). Has your self-care — from diet and hydration to hygiene and hobbies — been slipping because of competing priorities? Bring… Continue reading It’s Self-Care Day! 7 “pillars” for taking care of you

Instagram star Jokiva Bellard on living out loud with lupus: “You have to love yourself – you have to put yourself first”

Jokiva Bellard’s old wardrobe: Hoodies, jogging pants, loose clothes, long sleeves. In a word? “Tomboy. I didn’t want anyone to notice me.” She was covering up skin plaques caused by discoid lupus – which routinely brought stares and prying questions from the public. Then came the facemasks. The model, who hails from New Orleans but… Continue reading Instagram star Jokiva Bellard on living out loud with lupus: “You have to love yourself – you have to put yourself first”

5 tips for practicing self-care when your chronic illness is trying to take over

As a woman with bipolar disorder I and PTSD, I can pretty safely say that no two days are the same. There are days when the world is sunshine and roses; life is grand! Then there are days when the inside of my brain is trying to run the show without me, and it’s leaving… Continue reading 5 tips for practicing self-care when your chronic illness is trying to take over