Lupus Weight Gain: Q&A with the founder of Making Lupus Look Good

Alyshia Merchant knows first-hand how lupus can affect you inside and out. After her diagnosis in 2012 and struggles with visible symptoms and self-esteem, she launched an organization called Making Lupus Look Good, which provides wigs and “glam sessions” to people with lupus-related hair loss and other symptoms. The organization currently serves people in Alyshia’s home… Continue reading Lupus Weight Gain: Q&A with the founder of Making Lupus Look Good

Not Recognizing the “New Me”

For many newly diagnosed patients, accepting help can be as difficult as accepting the diagnosis itself.  According to some of the members of our Parkinson’s disease community, here are a few signs that you may be struggling with the idea of becoming someone who might need help. Have you found yourself feeling resentful when family,… Continue reading Not Recognizing the “New Me”

The Joy of Being Helpful

Many patients with life-changing conditions report feelings of grief and guilt about no longer being able to do many of the things they did in the past.  As a recent discussion in our forum revealed, however, patients are finding ways to reset their perspective and boost their self-esteem by focusing on what they are still… Continue reading The Joy of Being Helpful

Spotlighted Blogger: Psoriasis Patient Alisha B. of “Being Me in My Own Skin”

Welcome to the latest installment of our “Spotlighted Blogger” series.  So far, we’ve interviewed patient bloggers living with gastroparesis, type I diabetes, bipolar I disorder, Parkinson’s disease and ALS, and today we introduce Alisha B., who felt alone in her struggles with psoriasis until “coming out” on her blog, Being Me in My Own Skin. Alisha is currently participating in… Continue reading Spotlighted Blogger: Psoriasis Patient Alisha B. of “Being Me in My Own Skin”

Annoyed or Impressed By Your Therapist? PatientsLikeMe Mood Members Chime In

In a recent blog post by New York Times’ Tara Parker-Pope, PsychCentral highlights “The 12 Most Annoying Habits of Therapists.”  Launched a year ago this week, our very own Mood community has more than 1,300 patients using “Individual Therapy” as a treatment for their condition.  We asked them to tell us some of the habits… Continue reading Annoyed or Impressed By Your Therapist? PatientsLikeMe Mood Members Chime In