“I continue to be inspired by those who share this fight with me” – PatientsLikeMe member Doug shares his journey with HP

Meet Doug. He’s part of the pulmonary fibrosis (PF) community on PatientsLikeMe and is living with a condition specifically known as chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP). It’s similar to other types of PF, but also has its differences. We caught up with Doug for an interview to help spread the knowledge about these two conditions, but… Continue reading “I continue to be inspired by those who share this fight with me” – PatientsLikeMe member Doug shares his journey with HP

“In my own words” – PatientsLikeMe member Vickie shares about her experiences with lung cancer

Meet Vickie, a PatientsLikeMe member who has survived cancer not once, but twice. She’s sharing her story, from diagnosis to survivorship, during Lung Cancer Awareness Month. She spoke about her reaction to getting diagnosed, the anxiety filled months leading up to surgery and what recovery was like post-operation. Learn about her journey below. The journey… Continue reading “In my own words” – PatientsLikeMe member Vickie shares about her experiences with lung cancer

“I just kind of went on with life.” – PatientsLikeMe member Fred shares his experiences with MS

We’ve interviewed a lot of members on the blog over the years, and each has a different perspective on life with MS. Fred1118 has taken sharing about his life with MS to a whole new level, documenting his life in a personal photoblog and posting the pictures with the world online. Fred shared all about… Continue reading “I just kind of went on with life.” – PatientsLikeMe member Fred shares his experiences with MS

“Hope won’t make it happen” – PatientsLikeMe member Phil shares about her experiences with lung cancer

That’s Phil’s (PhillyH) personal motto in life – “hope won’t make it happen.” She’s a PatientsLikeMe member who hails from Northampton in the United Kingdom and was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2012. Ever since then, she’s been learning to live with the ups and downs of her condition. She recently shared her experiences in an interview… Continue reading “Hope won’t make it happen” – PatientsLikeMe member Phil shares about her experiences with lung cancer

“I was just doing my job” – PatientsLikeMe member Lucas talks about his experiences with PTSD after serving in the Marines

PatientsLikeMe member Lucas (Freedom666420), or Sarge, as his friends and fellow soldiers call him, served in the Marines during two tours in Iraq and was injured while literally hoisting his entire squad up and over a wall to take cover from enemy fire. He recently spoke with Sarah, a PatientsLikeMe community moderator, and shared about his… Continue reading “I was just doing my job” – PatientsLikeMe member Lucas talks about his experiences with PTSD after serving in the Marines

“Bang for the buck.” PatientsLikeMe member Steve shares about his experiences with ALS and the IceBucketChallenge

Ice + water + video camera = a viral ALS awareness campaign that has spread over social media and the news like wildfire. Millions of dollars has been raised for ALS research while more and more, people are learning about this neurological condition. Recently, PatientsLikeMe member Steve (who has been living with ALS since 2009)… Continue reading “Bang for the buck.” PatientsLikeMe member Steve shares about his experiences with ALS and the IceBucketChallenge

“Speak up!” PatientsLikeMe member Dee speaks about her journey with ALS

  There’s been a lot of awareness going on for ALS with the IceBucketChallenge, and to help keep the momentum going, PatientsLikeMe member Dee (redrockmama) shared her personal experiences with the neurological condition. She made the decision to install a feeding tube early in her journey, and now she is managing her weight through overnight… Continue reading “Speak up!” PatientsLikeMe member Dee speaks about her journey with ALS

“Sharing has given me support” – PatientsLikeMe member Debbie opens up about her MS

As PatientsLikeMe member Debbie (chilli123) says, it’s a very private decision whether or not to discuss MS openly. But as you’ll read, she’s doing more than just speaking about her MS – Debbie is spending time with others so they can better understand what life with a chronic condition is like. Debbie also talked about… Continue reading “Sharing has given me support” – PatientsLikeMe member Debbie opens up about her MS

“Just saying” – PatientsLikeMe member Shep talks frankly about his MS

The members of the multiple sclerosis (MS) community on PatientsLikeMe are very open when it comes to sharing about their journey, and shep0454 (aka Shep) is no exception. He recently spoke with us about his life with MS, and he pulled no punches when talking about his emotions after being diagnosed, the wonderful people he’s… Continue reading “Just saying” – PatientsLikeMe member Shep talks frankly about his MS

“Gee, doc, ya think?” – Barbara speaks about her diagnosis and life with IPF

PatientsLikeMe member Barbara (CatLady51) recently shared about her journey with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) in an interview with us, and she spoke about everything from the importance of taking ownership of managing her condition to how she hopes to “turn on the light bulb” by donating her personal health data. Read her full interview about… Continue reading “Gee, doc, ya think?” – Barbara speaks about her diagnosis and life with IPF