As 2013 winds down… Part II

When we kicked off 2013 back in January, we shared that what inspires everyone at PatientsLikeMe to live better is YOU. We also renewed our promise to continue putting patients first, and a couple days ago we posted on the blog about just some of  the ways the community has continued to change healthcare for good… Continue reading As 2013 winds down… Part II

Stress and sleep- PatientsLikeMe co-founder Jamie Heywood’s interview on the TEDMED blog

Our co-founder Jamie Heywood was just interviewed for the TEDMED blog. Check it out! He talks more about the recent PatientsLikeMe sleep survey and some new results that show how stress can impact our sleeping habits.       Here’s what’s posted up on the TEDMED blog… A new survey suggests patients’ sleep problems often… Continue reading Stress and sleep- PatientsLikeMe co-founder Jamie Heywood’s interview on the TEDMED blog

A Live Online Event: The extended effects of sleep deprivation

Recently, PatientsLikeMe co-founder Jamie Heywood and the member community were featured on TEDMED’s blog, and we’re happy to share the post with you this morning. In case you didn’t know, TEDMED is a “multi-disciplinary community of innovators and leaders who share a common determination to create a better future in health and medicine.” (Check out their… Continue reading A Live Online Event: The extended effects of sleep deprivation

“Does anyone in healthcare want to be understood?” Sally Okun from PatientsLikeMe at TEDMED2013

It’s no secret that here at PatientsLikeMe, we think that the voice of the patient — your voice — is the number one way to drive medical advancements. At TEDMED 2013, our very own Sally Okun shared that message on one of the world’s largest stages. She asked the audience a very simple question. “Does… Continue reading “Does anyone in healthcare want to be understood?” Sally Okun from PatientsLikeMe at TEDMED2013

TEDMED 2013: Creating and experiencing wow!

One word comes to mind when describing my recent experience at TEDMED 2013 – WOW!  Held annually at the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C., TEDMED is a conference unlike any other. For 3 ½ days you are immersed in the ideas and creativity of people from around the world who bring diverse perspectives to some… Continue reading TEDMED 2013: Creating and experiencing wow!

Share and Compare: A PatientsLikeMe Year in Review (Part III – more R&D)

The research team is very proud of how our team has grown in 2010 and the impact we’ve made in the academic community.  In 2010 alone, PatientsLikeMe and our work were mentioned in scientific literature more than 133 times.  All of this is because of what you share with us. Yesterday, we highlighted some of… Continue reading Share and Compare: A PatientsLikeMe Year in Review (Part III – more R&D)

Who’s #2 in Healthcare Innovation?
You guessed it – PatientsLikeMe

It’s been an exciting few months for PatientsLikeMe.  Here’s a quick recap… Today, Fast Company released its annual  ranking of the 50 Most Innovative Companies in the World.  PatientsLikeMe made #23 on the list alongside big league companies like Facebook, Disney, Novartis and Amazon.  PatientsLikeMe was also named the second most innovative company in healthcare,… Continue reading Who’s #2 in Healthcare Innovation?
You guessed it – PatientsLikeMe

A Year in Review: PatientsLikeMe in 2009

As 2009 comes to an end, we want to take this opportunity to thank all of our members, partners and general fans for another great year.   Here’s a recap of some of the exciting happenings at PatientsLikeMe these past 12 months.  Wishing you all a Happy New Year! Community Milestones This year, the 15+ disease… Continue reading A Year in Review: PatientsLikeMe in 2009

Bil:Pil Conference Presentation on PatientsLikeMe

A few weeks ago, I gave a 30-minute talk about PatientsLikeMe at Bil:Pil, the unconference following TEDMED in San Diego (where Jamie Heywood made an amazing presentation, by the way). The topic of my presentation was “A Healthy Mix with an Economic Twist.” I focused on how difficult it can be to make money in… Continue reading Bil:Pil Conference Presentation on PatientsLikeMe

PatientsLikeMe Adds Online Community for People With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

PatientsLikeMe made the following announcement last night at the TEDMED conference.  For more on Jamie Heywood’s presentation, check out what people are saying on Twitter. – – – – – – – PATIENTSLIKEME ADDS ONLINE COMMUNITY FOR PEOPLE WITH CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME Researchers Use Open Medical Network to Measure Real-World Impact of XMRV Virus Cambridge,… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe Adds Online Community for People With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome