How to be your best health advocate

PatientsLikeMe is pleased to announce a new collaboration with Cathy Chester, a wife, mother, advocate and the voice behind her blog, “An Empowered Spirit: Living a Healthy and Vibrant Life After 50.” You might’ve already seen Cathy’s #MoreThan story about her diagnosis and how she’s much more than MS. Here, Cathy dives into the importance of being your… Continue reading How to be your best health advocate

PatientsLikeMe members to be highlighted in patient empowerment webinar

Many PatientsLikeMe members talk openly about the reasons why they donate their health data and why they believe patient-centered healthcare means better healthcare for all. And just a week from now, two of them will be sharing their stories with everyone in a live webinar. On Tuesday, January 20th, at 2:00pm EST, the Partnership to… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe members to be highlighted in patient empowerment webinar

The Patient Voice- MS member Jackie shares her story

  When Jackie was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis after a long, exhausting process, she struggled with a fear of the unknown and had no idea what she would be facing. But then she connected with the thousands of MS members on PatientsLikeMe. Jackie shared with the community about how she felt her current medication was… Continue reading The Patient Voice- MS member Jackie shares her story

The Patient Voice: Garth shares his cancer story for 24 Days of Giving

After Garth was diagnosed with cancer, he made a promise to his daughter Emma: he would write 826 napkin notes so she had one each day in her lunch until she graduated high school. “In the beginning they never had a deep meaning. They were generally just notes of reminders. ‘I love you’ or ‘Have… Continue reading The Patient Voice: Garth shares his cancer story for 24 Days of Giving

The Patient Voice- Epilepsy member Letitia shares her story

    What would you do if you were living with seizures from epilepsy since you were ten years old? And you weren’t even able to drive a car? Letitia turned others living with epilepsy on PatientsLikeMe and shared about her journey in a recent video. Watch above to see her inspiring story, and how… Continue reading The Patient Voice- Epilepsy member Letitia shares her story

“No oxygen.” PatientsLikeMe member Lori shares about life after surviving idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

It’s crazy to think how fast things can happen. The last time we talked with Lori, she was telling us about life on the lung transplant list and playing what she called “the waiting waltz.” And now – everything has changed. Just two weeks after we posted her third interview on the PatientsLikeMe blog in… Continue reading “No oxygen.” PatientsLikeMe member Lori shares about life after surviving idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

The Patient Voice- PF member Bryan shares his story

  Since we announced #dataforgood back in March, many PatientsLikeMe members have been sharing about why they donate their own health experiences. Becca (fibromyalgia) and Ed (Parkinson’s) already shared their stories, and now we’re hearing from Bryan, an idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) member. Check out his video above. Miss Becca or Ed’s? Watch them here.… Continue reading The Patient Voice- PF member Bryan shares his story

The Patient Voice- Fibromyalgia member Becca shares her story

  What does sharing about health experiences and donating #dataforgood mean to her? “I’m hoping that my contribution is going to help others who come behind me who have these conditions have an easier time of it.” -Becca If you missed our video interview with Ed, a Parkinson’s disease member, you can catch that here.

The Patient Voice- Parkinson’s member Ed shares his story

  Back in March, we shared some of our infographics and videos on the blog, and as part of our #dataforgood initiative, PatientsLikeMe member Ed spoke about his experiences with Parkinson’s disease and why he thinks it’s all a group effort. Click above to watch his video, and keep an eye out for more interviews with… Continue reading The Patient Voice- Parkinson’s member Ed shares his story

TEDMED 2013: Creating and experiencing wow!

One word comes to mind when describing my recent experience at TEDMED 2013 – WOW!  Held annually at the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C., TEDMED is a conference unlike any other. For 3 ½ days you are immersed in the ideas and creativity of people from around the world who bring diverse perspectives to some… Continue reading TEDMED 2013: Creating and experiencing wow!