Get Pumped for American Heart Month

You’ve all heard this fact before:  heart disease (including heart attacks and heart failure) is the leading cause of death among American men and women, claiming around 600,000 lives each year.  But what are you doing about it?  Are you and your family working on the controllable risk factors that play a role in this… Continue reading Get Pumped for American Heart Month

World No Tobacco Day: 10 Facts About Secondhand Smoke

We’ve written about how smoking is the single largest preventable cause of disease and premature death in the US.  We’ve also highlighted some of the treatments that our 4,000+ members who report tobacco addiction have tried in their quest to quit. But today, in honor of World No Tobacco Day, we’d like to focus on the… Continue reading World No Tobacco Day: 10 Facts About Secondhand Smoke

Is Today the Day You Quit Smoking for Good?

That’s what the American Cancer Society hopes. Today, November 17th, is the Great American Smokeout, now in its 36th year.  It’s a day for quitting smoking or making a plan to quit.  The reason for doing so is pretty compelling:  tobacco use is the single largest preventable cause of disease and premature death in the… Continue reading Is Today the Day You Quit Smoking for Good?

September Is Recovery Month

Every September, the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) observes Recovery Month.  The goal is to promote the societal benefits of treatment for substance use and mental disorders, celebrate people in recovery, recognize treatment providers and spread the message that recovery is possible.  As the SAMHSA slogan says, “Prevention works, treatment is effective… Continue reading September Is Recovery Month