Can You Eat Sandwiches With Kidney Disease?

By: Kellsey Reed RDN, LDN, PatientsLikeMe Contributor  Sandwiches are a favorite lunch option for so many people in the world. They are easy to make, compact, and travel well in a lunch box. Turkey, ham, tuna, and cheese, the possibilities are endless! Consider Your Sandwich Ingredients When it comes to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), sandwiches… Continue reading Can You Eat Sandwiches With Kidney Disease?

Eating Right for your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) on a Budget

Following a kidney-friendly diet for your CKD can be tough. There is so much conflicting information out there about what to eat for your kidney health and it can make you feel so stressed and confused. It can also be difficult to find foods and drinks that fit into your diet and your budget, especially… Continue reading Eating Right for your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) on a Budget

Eating Right for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

By: Kellsey Reed RDN, LDN, PatientsLikeMe Contributor If you have CKD, chances are you have seen so much conflicting information online about what to eat with chronic kidney disease. From Google telling you that you can only eat white bread and grilled chicken to Facebook groups telling you oils are terrible for your kidneys. If… Continue reading Eating Right for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

5 Signs of Cognitive Impairment in MS

If you’ve been living with multiple sclerosis, you might have noticed that you don’t feel as sharp as usual. Maybe you’re having trouble remembering information or concentrating on certain tasks. You may even feel like your brain is constantly in a fog. If any of this sounds familiar, you’re not alone.   Although many of the… Continue reading 5 Signs of Cognitive Impairment in MS

What is the Impact of Obesity on Autoimmune Conditions?

There are over 100 autoimmune conditions, like rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis, but experts still aren’t sure what causes them. Autoimmune conditions occur when your immune system mistakenly attacks the body instead of protecting it. Certain factors increase your risk of getting an autoimmune condition, such as smoking or having a family member with an… Continue reading What is the Impact of Obesity on Autoimmune Conditions?

6 Treatment Options for Rheumatoid Arthritis

If you’ve been living with rheumatoid arthritis, you know that the symptoms can be unpredictable. You may feel good one day and have a flare-up the next. It’s not possible to eliminate RA symptoms, but several treatment options are available that can help you manage them.   The first line of treatment for rheumatoid arthritis… Continue reading 6 Treatment Options for Rheumatoid Arthritis

4 Types of Multiple Sclerosis (Plus Two You Didn’t Know About)

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic autoimmune condition that impacts the central nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord. It affects nearly one million people in the United States and more than 2.3 million people worldwide. MS is a progressive disease, meaning it can get worse over time without treatment. However, treatment can’t always slow the progression of the disease. There are four types of multiple sclerosis: clinically isolated syndrome, relapsing-remitting MS, primary progressive MS, and secondary… Continue reading 4 Types of Multiple Sclerosis (Plus Two You Didn’t Know About)

5 Causes of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the most common forms of arthritis, affecting 1.3 million adults in the United States. It’s an autoimmune disease, meaning the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells in the body instead of protecting them. A healthy immune system protects against germs and sends fighter cells to attack them. But with autoimmune diseases, the immune system treats normal cells like foreign cells and releases autoantibodies that attack healthy cells. Autoantibodies are… Continue reading 5 Causes of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Medications for Multiple Sclerosis

Although there is currently no cure for multiple sclerosis, there are several medications that can help improve the quality of life for multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. Medications can help ease symptoms, keep the disease from progressing, and reduce the frequency of a relapse. Medications for multiple sclerosis include pills, injections, or infusions. Finding the right… Continue reading Medications for Multiple Sclerosis

Everything You Need to Know About the Weather and Parkinson’s Disease

Estimated reading time: 3-4 minutes As the seasons change, you may notice your Parkinson’s disease symptoms getting worse. You may be more sensitive to temperature, experience more fatigue, and movement may become slower. Though it’s not often talked about, extreme changes in weather can exacerbate symptoms.  Impact of the Weather on Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms Many patients with Parkinson’s disease… Continue reading Everything You Need to Know About the Weather and Parkinson’s Disease