Ready as you can be? Disaster preparedness when you’re living with a health condition

The recent string of tragic natural disasters highlights the importance of planning ahead (as much as possible) for managing your medical needs in the wake of a crisis. So we’ve gathered some expert preparation tips and ideas for what to keep in an emergency supply kit. All the victims of these disasters are in our… Continue reading Ready as you can be? Disaster preparedness when you’re living with a health condition

How to be your best health advocate

PatientsLikeMe is pleased to announce a new collaboration with Cathy Chester, a wife, mother, advocate and the voice behind her blog, “An Empowered Spirit: Living a Healthy and Vibrant Life After 50.” You might’ve already seen Cathy’s #MoreThan story about her diagnosis and how she’s much more than MS. Here, Cathy dives into the importance of being your… Continue reading How to be your best health advocate

MS and Biotin: Is there a link?

You’ve probably heard about biotin and reports that it might improve health. Like most things on the internet, the truth isn’t always clear. To clear up some of the swirl, our Health Data Integrity team took a deep dive into the current research. So, what’s biotin and how can it impact health and MS? Take… Continue reading MS and Biotin: Is there a link?

The ALS battle forces changes: A guest blog by member Jim Burton, the ALS Warrior

A harsh reality of progressive diseases like ALS is that your body is constantly changing. After my ALS diagnosis in January 2013, I noticed that the progression seemed to happen in stages. After losing some degree of capacity, I’d settle on a new plateau, which became my norm for a while. The plateaus have become… Continue reading The ALS battle forces changes: A guest blog by member Jim Burton, the ALS Warrior

PF Awareness Month

September is Pulmonary Fibrosis Awareness Month, and in honor of that, we’re rounding up what members of the PatientsLikeMe community have shared about pulmonary fibrosis on our blog. First off, for those who don’t know – what is pulmonary fibrosis (PF)? It’s a chronic, progressive scarring or thickening of the lungs, which makes it difficult for… Continue reading PF Awareness Month

How cancer affects diet + pointers for trying to eat well

Many PatientsLikeMe members have talked in the forum about the dietary impact of lung cancer treatment and how it has hindered their eating. As many as 40 to 60 percent of patients with lung cancer experience unintentional weight loss. Eating well (or as best you can) during and after cancer treatment can help you keep… Continue reading How cancer affects diet + pointers for trying to eat well

MS and Bowel Incontinence

More than 14,000 members living with MS report bowel problems (difficulty in passing feces including constipation, bowel incontinence [loss of bowel control], and diarrhea). So, what’s the deal with bowel incontinence and MS? What can you do to manage symptoms? We checked in with Meaghan Zisk, RN MPH, a nurse and Health Data and Patient… Continue reading MS and Bowel Incontinence

“Dealing and healing” together: Karl and Angela Robb team up with PatientsLikeMe and share about living with young-onset Parkinson’s disease

PatientsLikeMe is pleased to announce a new collaboration with Karl and Angela Robb, the husband-and-wife team behind Karl’s blog, “A Soft Voice in a Noisy World: Dealing and Healing with Parkinson’s Disease,” and the authors of two books. You might’ve already seen Karl’s #MoreThan story. Karl and Angela recently shared even more with us in… Continue reading “Dealing and healing” together: Karl and Angela Robb team up with PatientsLikeMe and share about living with young-onset Parkinson’s disease

Raising awareness and taking action for Psoriasis Awareness Month

August is Psoriasis Action Month, and this month when those living with psoriasis raise awareness about what it’s like living with a condition that is often misunderstood and stigmatized. We asked members of the PatientsLikeMe community to share what they wish others knew about life with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, here’s what they said… Like… Continue reading Raising awareness and taking action for Psoriasis Awareness Month

GF + DF recipe from LupusChick: Berry Bliss Smoothie Bowl

Our partner Marisa Zeppieri-Caruana, founder of LupusChick, blogs about healthy cooking and living with lupus and other chronic conditions. Check out this gluten-free, dairy-free recipe she wanted to share with the lupus community (or anyone who’d like to try it) before berry season winds down! One of my favorite aspects about summer is seeing berries… Continue reading GF + DF recipe from LupusChick: Berry Bliss Smoothie Bowl