How Does Amyloidosis Affect the Nervous System?

Medically reviewed and verified by Kate Burke, MD MHA If you have been diagnosed with amyloidosis, you may notice some changes to your senses. When amyloidosis spreads throughout the body, it can affect how your nervous system carries information to the brain. Nerves are sensitive and delicate. When abnormal proteins build up, oftentimes there is… Continue reading How Does Amyloidosis Affect the Nervous System?

How Does Cardiac Amyloidosis Affect the Heart?

Medically reviewed and verified by Kate Burke, MD, MHA One of the many ways amyloidosis can affect the body is by accumulating in the heart. Cardiac amyloidosis is a rare but serious condition. It is characterized by the deposition of abnormal proteins, known as amyloids, in heart tissue. These amyloid deposits can disrupt the normal… Continue reading How Does Cardiac Amyloidosis Affect the Heart?

Is Amyloidosis a Cancer? Comparing the Two Diseases

Medically reviewed and verified by Kate Burke, MD, MHA In the realm of medical conditions, amyloidosis and cancer stand out as significant challenges. Both diseases involve the spread of abnormal cells throughout different parts of the body. They can show up in various organs and tissues, and if left untreated can be fatal. Each of… Continue reading Is Amyloidosis a Cancer? Comparing the Two Diseases

ATTR Amyloidosis: The Hidden Disease

Medically reviewed and verified by Kate Burke, MD MHA Heart failure, gastrointestinal problems, and nerve pain. Many conditions can cause these symptoms! One of them, often undetected and undiagnosed, is transthyretin amyloidosis, or ATTR amyloidosis. What exactly is that? Amyloidosis is a rare and progressive disease. It is categorized by the buildup of abnormal protein… Continue reading ATTR Amyloidosis: The Hidden Disease

Aging Man’s Best Friend: The Power of Pets For Seniors’ Health 

Today, we’re talking about something near and dear to our hearts – the healing power of pets! If you’re a pet owner yourself, you probably already know just how much joy and companionship our furry friends can bring into our lives. But did you know that owning a pet can also have some incredible benefits… Continue reading Aging Man’s Best Friend: The Power of Pets For Seniors’ Health 

Can You Eat Pineapple with Chronic Kidney Disease?

Pineapples can be enjoyed in so many different ways. In salsas, drinks, salads, or even grilled.  But are you able to enjoy them when you have chronic kidney disease? Let’s find out.  Pineapple Nutrition Information for Chronic Kidney Disease Pineapple is technically in the berry family and is considered a tropical fruit. Check out the… Continue reading Can You Eat Pineapple with Chronic Kidney Disease?

Can Video Games Improve Memory?

For anyone living with a condition such as dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, maintaining cognitive function and memory can be challenging! However, research suggests that engaging in games and activities designed to stimulate the brain can have significant benefits. Today, PatientsLikeMe will explore how playing games can help improve memory, enhance cognitive abilities, and reduce anxiety… Continue reading Can Video Games Improve Memory?

How Racism and Sexism Impact Black Women’s Health 

Systemic racism has plagued the United States since the country began. These oppressive systems impact every sector including healthcare. Black people, but especially Black women, have struggled to find equitable treatment from medical professionals for centuries. For nearly 30-years, Boston University has led the largest and longest running study of Black Women’s health in the… Continue reading How Racism and Sexism Impact Black Women’s Health 

French Fries: Kidney-Friendly or Not?

Curly, waffle, shoestring, and smiley french fries come in all shapes and sizes. They can be a delicious side dish for your favorite meal. Despite their deliciousness, they are often high in sodium and, therefore, not often considered kidney-friendly. While fast-food french fries can be a tricky option for those with CKD, other french fries can… Continue reading French Fries: Kidney-Friendly or Not?