Protecting your Heart Health with Chronic Kidney Disease

By: Kellsey Reed RDN, LDN, PatientsLikeMe Contributor  In honor of American Heart Month, it’s important to discuss the connection between heart health and chronic kidney disease. When managing CKD/chronic kidney disease, medications and lifestyle, and diet changes can help keep the kidneys protected. Another important topic to keep in mind is heart health. Heart health… Continue reading Protecting your Heart Health with Chronic Kidney Disease

Can You Eat Sandwiches With Kidney Disease?

By: Kellsey Reed RDN, LDN, PatientsLikeMe Contributor  Sandwiches are a favorite lunch option for so many people in the world. They are easy to make, compact, and travel well in a lunch box. Turkey, ham, tuna, and cheese, the possibilities are endless! Consider Your Sandwich Ingredients When it comes to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), sandwiches… Continue reading Can You Eat Sandwiches With Kidney Disease?

Eating Right for your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) on a Budget

Following a kidney-friendly diet for your CKD can be tough. There is so much conflicting information out there about what to eat for your kidney health and it can make you feel so stressed and confused. It can also be difficult to find foods and drinks that fit into your diet and your budget, especially… Continue reading Eating Right for your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) on a Budget

Eating Right for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

By: Kellsey Reed RDN, LDN, PatientsLikeMe Contributor If you have CKD, chances are you have seen so much conflicting information online about what to eat with chronic kidney disease. From Google telling you that you can only eat white bread and grilled chicken to Facebook groups telling you oils are terrible for your kidneys. If… Continue reading Eating Right for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

Tips for Your Physical (and Mental) Health Post-Transplant

By: Alicia McAuliffe-Fogarty, Ph.D., Vice President of Research and Client Success at PatientsLikeMe Transplant surgeries have come a long way over the years, but unfortunately, there are still many risks involved with these life-saving procedures. It is normal for patients and family members to feel a range of emotions during the transplant journey – from… Continue reading Tips for Your Physical (and Mental) Health Post-Transplant

5 Tips to Help You Prepare For Your Next Doctor’s Appointment

When you aren’t feeling well, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed at a doctor’s appointment. If you’re experiencing new symptoms or if your old symptoms have gotten worse, you may feel anxious, and nervous, and may forget to ask important questions. Doctor’s visits are often pressed for time, which may add to your nervousness.… Continue reading 5 Tips to Help You Prepare For Your Next Doctor’s Appointment

7 Ways to Feel Confident About Being Your Own Health Advocate

When you’ve been experiencing new symptoms or symptoms that have continued to get worse, going to the doctor can be nerve-racking. You may have even been a victim of medical gaslighting that is causing you to avoid going to the doctor. Or maybe you are scared of sharing such personal information about yourself with a… Continue reading 7 Ways to Feel Confident About Being Your Own Health Advocate

Job Hunting While Living with a Disability or Chronic Illness

Estimate reading time: 4 minutes Navigating the Job Market with a Health Condition According to the CDC, 61 million adults (or 1 in 4 adults) in the United States live with a disability. In addition, chronic diseases affect approximately 133 million Americans, representing more than 40% of the total population of the United States. In fact,… Continue reading Job Hunting While Living with a Disability or Chronic Illness