PatientsLikeMe Adds Patient Reviews of Medications to

Real-World Reports on Use, Effectiveness and Alternative Medications Now Available for Thousands of Brand Name and Generic Drugs CAMBRIDGE, MA., November 17, 2016—PatientsLikeMe has expanded the scope of patient-reported information it offers through to help more people better understand how certain prescription medications may affect them. The new information, which is updated daily and… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe Adds Patient Reviews of Medications to

Barry shares his story for National Diabetes Month

November is National Diabetes Month, and this year, we caught up with Barry (bjf2000): history lover, grandfather and member of the diabetes community. Below, see what Barry says about his journey to diagnosis (“a flipping mess”), what it’s like to manage multiple conditions and becoming his own advocate. Tell us a little about yourself. What… Continue reading Barry shares his story for National Diabetes Month

PatientsLikeMe Welcomes Next Patient Team of Advisors

  CAMBRIDGE, Mass, November 14, 2016—PatientsLikeMe has named 11 members to its patients-only 2016–2017 Team of Advisors, which this year will focus on elevating the patient voice. Team members will share their stories, participate in community initiatives, and give real world perspectives to our industry and research partners. “Each year, our Team of Advisors has proven… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe Welcomes Next Patient Team of Advisors

“I’m still fighting for a good cause, just on a different battlefield” — Member Shanon opens up for Veterans Day

PTS member Shanon (sgreer) is a veteran of the US Army, and this Veterans Day, we’re sharing his story to honor those who’ve served and spread more awareness and understanding for the millions who are living with chronic conditions. Shanon is a police officer in Giddings, TX. When we caught up with him, he shared… Continue reading “I’m still fighting for a good cause, just on a different battlefield” — Member Shanon opens up for Veterans Day

Think pink in October: Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Pink may not fit the fall color scheme, but come October, it crops up everywhere to mark the start of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It’s one of the more high profile awareness efforts, but how much do you really know about the condition that affects over 1,900 PatientsLikeMe members? Let’s test your knowledge. How… Continue reading Think pink in October: Breast Cancer Awareness Month

PatientsLikeMe Names George Parker Executive Vice President of Human Resources

Seasoned HR executive brings 30+ years of experience to the role October 12, 2016 – PatientsLikeMe today announced the appointment of George Parker as Executive Vice President of Human Resources (HR). In the newly-established role, Parker will oversee all aspects of human resources, with a focus on talent acquisition and development. The newest member of… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe Names George Parker Executive Vice President of Human Resources

Mental Illness Awareness Week: More understanding, less stigma

Did you know it’s Mental Illness Awareness Week? Or that tomorrow, October 6, is National Depression Screening Day? Each year, the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) works to overcome stigma and provide education and support for those living with mental illnesses. Whether you’re living with mental illness, know someone who is, or just want… Continue reading Mental Illness Awareness Week: More understanding, less stigma

Bringing the patient voice to clinical trials

PatientsLikeMe has a long tradition of bringing the patient voice into drug discovery and development, but it’s only been in the last year or two that industry has been tuning in to hear what that voice is saying about clinical trials. For the last 18 months, we’ve been asking many of our members about their… Continue reading Bringing the patient voice to clinical trials

Global PF Awareness Month: An interview with Dr. Cosgrove from the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation

September is Global PF Awareness month, and a few weeks ago,  members of the PatientsLikeMe PF community helped us kick it off by sharing in their own words what it’s like to live with this condition. The month is winding down now, so we caught up with our partners at the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation (PFF) to learn… Continue reading Global PF Awareness Month: An interview with Dr. Cosgrove from the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation

Redefining Patient Partnerships: Looking back on the 2015-2016 Team of Advisors

It’s been quite a year for the 2015–2016 Team of Advisors. This year’s team was tasked with bringing the patient voice to a central issue in healthcare: how to redefine patient partnerships. Over the past several months, they’ve worked together to rethink what it means for patients to be partners and establish new ways for… Continue reading Redefining Patient Partnerships: Looking back on the 2015-2016 Team of Advisors