The Patient Voice- Parkinson’s member Ed shares his story

  Back in March, we shared some of our infographics and videos on the blog, and as part of our #dataforgood initiative, PatientsLikeMe member Ed spoke about his experiences with Parkinson’s disease and why he thinks it’s all a group effort. Click above to watch his video, and keep an eye out for more interviews with… Continue reading The Patient Voice- Parkinson’s member Ed shares his story

Patients as Partners: The Perceived Medical Condition Self-Management Scale questionnaire results

Back at the beginning of April, we launched a new blog series called Patients as Partners that highlights the results and feedback PatientsLikeMe members give to questionnaires on our Open Research Exchange (ORE) platform. This time around, we’re sharing the results of the Perceived Medical Condition Self-Management Scale (PMCSMS), a health measure that looks at… Continue reading Patients as Partners: The Perceived Medical Condition Self-Management Scale questionnaire results

Food for Thought: Recipes, Diets and Tips

What’s for dinner? Does this phrase haunt you the same way it does us? It is hard to come up with something to eat for every meal each day, especially if you have dietary restrictions due to your condition. If you feel like you are stuck in a meal rut, the PatientsLikeMe community is here… Continue reading Food for Thought: Recipes, Diets and Tips

“I would just like to understand the ‘why’” – a conversation with PD community member dropsies

Right at the start of April, you might have seen us post on the blog that it’s Parkinson’s (PD) Awareness Month. And to keep Parkinson’s awareness going strong all month long, we’re sharing a recent interview with PatientsLikeMe member Betty – aka dropsies to those in the community. She was diagnosed with Parkinson’s back in… Continue reading “I would just like to understand the ‘why’” – a conversation with PD community member dropsies

A new collaboration and the work ahead: An interview with PatientsLikeMe Co-founder and President Ben Heywood

Earlier this week, PatientsLikeMe announced a five-year collaboration with Genentech. Our goal? To bring your experience – the patient experience – to a company that wants to learn more from the people who are living with serious diseases, and to better integrate your insights into their decision-making as they develop new medicines. PatientsLikeMe Co-founder and… Continue reading A new collaboration and the work ahead: An interview with PatientsLikeMe Co-founder and President Ben Heywood

Promoting better digestive health in April

The digestive system contains a bunch of organs (8 to be exact), everything from your stomach to your gallbladder. It’s important to be aware of what can affect all these parts, and this is why back in 1997, the International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD) designated April as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Awareness Month.… Continue reading Promoting better digestive health in April

PatientsLikeMeInMotion 2014: Celebrating 6 years of PatientsLikeMe members giving back to their communities and raising awareness

It seems like it was just yesterday when PatientsLikeMeInMotion was launched, but it’s been going strong for more than 5 years now – wow, how time flies! We’re celebrating the 6th year of PatientsLikeMeInMotion with a recap of 2013, the biggest year so far! We had the honor of supporting 1,611 members across 27 states who… Continue reading PatientsLikeMeInMotion 2014: Celebrating 6 years of PatientsLikeMe members giving back to their communities and raising awareness

Genentech and PatientsLikeMe enter patient-centric research collaboration

Companies Sign Multi-Year Services and Data Subscription Agreement With Initial Focus on Oncology CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — April 7, 2014 — PatientsLikeMe announced today a five-year agreement with Genentech, a member of the Roche Group (SIX: RO, ROG; OTCQX: RHHBY), to explore use of PatientsLikeMe’s global online patient network to develop innovative ways of researching patients’ real-world… Continue reading Genentech and PatientsLikeMe enter patient-centric research collaboration

Patients as Partners: The WHYSTOP Scale questionnaire results

We’re really excited to launch a new series here on the blog called Patients as Partners. The series will highlight the results and feedback that PatientsLikeMe members give on questionnaires from our Open Research Exchange (ORE) platform. What’s ORE all about again? PatientsLikeMe’s ORE platform gives patients the chance to not only check an answer… Continue reading Patients as Partners: The WHYSTOP Scale questionnaire results

Making a difference for Parkinson’s disease in April

  After getting diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease (PD), PatientsLikeMe member Ed recalled “I needed to talk to people who had the disease, because only they knew what it was like…and could help me get through that initial shock… we can do much better fighting the disease as a group than we can as individuals.” And… Continue reading Making a difference for Parkinson’s disease in April