Working with a Chronic Condition: Your Rights and Options for Sharing with Your Employer and Taking Leave

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes Navigating Work with a Chronic Condition: Your Rights and Options Living with a chronic health condition can present unique challenges in the workplace. Many individuals find themselves struggling to balance their professional responsibilities with the unpredictable nature of their symptoms. If you’re in this situation, you’re not alone. In fact,… Continue reading Working with a Chronic Condition: Your Rights and Options for Sharing with Your Employer and Taking Leave

Job Hunting While Living with a Disability or Chronic Illness

Estimate reading time: 4 minutes Navigating the Job Market with a Health Condition According to the CDC, 61 million adults (or 1 in 4 adults) in the United States live with a disability. In addition, chronic diseases affect approximately 133 million Americans, representing more than 40% of the total population of the United States. In fact,… Continue reading Job Hunting While Living with a Disability or Chronic Illness

Service, therapy and emotional support animals: What’s the difference?

When it comes to living with a chronic condition, animal companions can add another layer of comfort, safety and service. So, we’re opening up a conversation about therapy, emotional support and service animals, and the differences between them. Do you have an animal? Join the community and share a pic of your pet using the hashtag #PLMPets. Service animals… Continue reading Service, therapy and emotional support animals: What’s the difference?

Living with a mental health condition? See these helpful pointers for your next job interview

Unsure of how to navigate that job interview? You’re not alone. Members have exchanged their experiences and strategies here on PatientsLikeMe — from worrying about how to control nervous twitches to advice about not oversharing. Read on for more info about what you need to disclose to your potential employer, and hear how other members get through… Continue reading Living with a mental health condition? See these helpful pointers for your next job interview

“What do you mean I can’t bring my service animal in?” Member Craig talks life with fibromyalgia and service dogs.

Craig Braquet (woofhound) is living with fibromyalgia and severe degenerative disc disease, the result of a multi-car accident in 1979. We first introduced Craig when he joined the 2015-2016 PatientsLikeMe Team of Advisors, but today we introduce his dogs, Luna, Oliver and Dakota (check out their cameo in Craig’s recent #MoreThan video). See what Craig has to… Continue reading “What do you mean I can’t bring my service animal in?” Member Craig talks life with fibromyalgia and service dogs.

Are you at risk for diabetes? Take the test

Listen up: if you’re living in the United States, there’s about a 1 in 3 chance you’ll develop diabetes over the course of your lifetime. But there are many ways you can lower your risk, which is why the American Diabetes Association (ADA) has recognized March 24 as Diabetes ALERT! Day. Today is about raising awareness… Continue reading Are you at risk for diabetes? Take the test

Food for thought: Diabetes awareness edition

It’s American Diabetes Awareness Month, and the American Diabetes Association’s (ADA) theme for November is “America Gets Cooking to Stop Diabetes.” And in that spirit, we’re highlighting the diabetes community on PatientsLikeMe. Members have been sharing about pasta, low-carb diets and ideas for daily menus. Plus, one member graciously shared her personal recipes for some… Continue reading Food for thought: Diabetes awareness edition

Recognizing diabetes in America

If you’re from the United States, chances are you know someone with diabetes – according to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), nearly 30 million Americans are living with diabetes, and many of them haven’t been diagnosed yet. That’s why November is American Diabetes Month. It’s all about raising awareness for both type 1 and 2… Continue reading Recognizing diabetes in America

Are you at risk? American Diabetes Association Alert Day

  According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), over 25 million people are living with type 2 diabetes in the United States, and 7 million aren’t even aware they have the condition. What’s more, 79 million people have prediabetes, a condition that can include several symptoms of diabetes.1 Do you know if you’re at risk… Continue reading Are you at risk? American Diabetes Association Alert Day