Touched with fire: Reframing the dialogue of bipolar

We’ve talked a lot with new PatientsLikeMe member Paul, diving into issues like getting a diagnosis, management and coping, and overcoming stigma.  Now, Paul is sharing how he’s trying to change the conversation about bipolar through his debut feature film, Touched with Fire. Here he talks about framing Touched with Fire as a love story because in a condition defined… Continue reading Touched with fire: Reframing the dialogue of bipolar

Touched with fire: Eliminating the stigma of bipolar

PatientsLikeMe member Paul is a filmmaker who’s harnessed his bipolar into creativity, most recently in the debut feature film, Touched with Fire, which he wrote, directed, edited and scored himself. In the last month, we’ve spoken with him about his diagnosis and what he does to cope. Now he’s opening up about fighting the stigma… Continue reading Touched with fire: Eliminating the stigma of bipolar

Touched with fire: A meaning behind the suffering

We’ve been talking with new PatientsLikeMe member Paul, whose debut feature-film, Touched with Fire – inspired by his experiences living with bipolar – opened last week in select theaters.  For Paul, the road to diagnosis was more like being on a rollercoaster. Years of using marijuana seemed to stimulate his creativity at film school, but… Continue reading Touched with fire: A meaning behind the suffering

Meet Paul, an artist “touched with fire”

“I’m a filmmaker, husband of my NYU film school classmate, father of two children and bipolar. Of these labels, the one I’m certain stands out in your mind is bipolar – and not in a good way.” Being bipolar is not something that new PatientsLikeMe member Paul has ever tried to hide. On the contrary,… Continue reading Meet Paul, an artist “touched with fire”

The highs and lows of bipolar disorder

Since it’s still Mental Illness Awareness Week, we thought we’d share some facts on bipolar disorders, found in this dynamic infographic. Read our previous post for more information on how to get involved during this year’s awareness week – and all year long.  Did you know bipolar disorder is a worldwide condition? In Australia there… Continue reading The highs and lows of bipolar disorder

“In my own words” – PatientsLikeMe member Eleanor writes about her journey with bipolar II: Part 3

Over the past few months, Eleanor (redblack) has been sharing about her bipolar II on the blog, and today, we’re posting the final part of her series (thank you Eleanor for being so open and taking the time to share with everyone)! Eleanor talks about her relationship with her psychiatrist Jon and how they recently… Continue reading “In my own words” – PatientsLikeMe member Eleanor writes about her journey with bipolar II: Part 3

“In my own words” – PatientsLikeMe member Eleanor writes about her journey with bipolar II: Part 2

Back in May, Eleanor (redblack) wrote about her some of her experiences with bipolar II to help spread the word for Mental Health Awareness Month. She’s continuing this month by sharing about the personal support system she’s developed through a wonderful relationship with her husband Jim, her special bond with a particular mood community member… Continue reading “In my own words” – PatientsLikeMe member Eleanor writes about her journey with bipolar II: Part 2

“In my own words” – PatientsLikeMe member Eleanor writes about her journey with bipolar II: Part I

  We just posted that May is Mental Health Month, and so we wanted to help raise awareness by getting the patient perspective out there. PatientsLikeMe member Eleanor (redblack) first experienced bipolar II as a young woman, and she’s been managing her mental health with the help of her family and psychiatrist ever since. She shared… Continue reading “In my own words” – PatientsLikeMe member Eleanor writes about her journey with bipolar II: Part I

National Depression Screening Day and National Bipolar Awareness Day

As part of Mental Illness Awareness Week, today is both National Depression Screening Day and National Bipolar Awareness Day. It’s all part of a larger effort to raise awareness about the mental conditions that affect the lives of millions of people around the world. So what are the stats on depression?[1] Depression affects as many… Continue reading National Depression Screening Day and National Bipolar Awareness Day

What to Do – and Not Do – When Someone Has a Mental Health Condition

Have you ever wondered how best to interact with someone who is living with depression, bipolar disorder or another mental health condition?  Have you worried that you’re saying or doing the wrong things? Last week we recognized Mental Illness Awareness Week on the blog, and to continue our coverage, today we thought we’d share with… Continue reading What to Do – and Not Do – When Someone Has a Mental Health Condition