How to Navigate a Fast Food Menu with CKD

By: Kellsey Reed RDN, LDN, PatientsLikeMe Contributor  Picture this. You are having a busy day with appointments, errands, and family obligations. The easiest thing right now would be to stop and get fast food. So, you pull into the drive thru and order your meal. Now, you have food and can get all of your… Continue reading How to Navigate a Fast Food Menu with CKD

Kidney Health Awareness: How Informed Are You?

Did you know kidney disease is often called a “silent disease?” This is because there aren’t usually symptoms during the early stages of disease progression. According to the National Institutes of Health, 90% of Americans with chronic kidney disease (CKD) don’t even know they have the disease until it is very advanced.  According to PatientLikeMe’s… Continue reading Kidney Health Awareness: How Informed Are You?