Fibromyalgia – Questions You Might Not Have Considered

Fibromyalgia does not have a cure which means living with fibromyalgia involves some lifestyle adjustments. Here are 5 lifestyle questions you may not have considered. 1. Why is it Important to Track and Share Your Symptoms? Living with fibromyalgia involves managing a myriad of symptoms that can fluctuate. Keeping a symptom journal not only helps… Continue reading Fibromyalgia – Questions You Might Not Have Considered

Managing Fibromyalgia with Your Smartphone

Living with fibromyalgia can be a challenging journey, with symptoms ranging from chronic pain and fatigue to sleep disturbances and cognitive difficulties. However, in this age of technological advancement, our phones can be powerful tools to help manage our health and improve overall well-being. PatientsLikeMe App PatientsLikeMe just launched an updated app on both the… Continue reading Managing Fibromyalgia with Your Smartphone

How to Get Better Sleep When Living with Fibromyalgia 

Sleep and fibromyalgia can be challenging . One of the most elusive aspects of daily life for those with this chronic condition is getting a good night’s sleep. Fibromyalgia is characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and sleep disturbances. This makes it crucial for individuals to explore strategies that promote better rest quality. Fibromyalgia is a… Continue reading How to Get Better Sleep When Living with Fibromyalgia 

What are the Best Ways to Manage Stress From Fibromyalgia? 

Fibromyalgia is a complex and often misunderstood condition characterized by widespread pain, tender points, fatigue, sleep disturbances, and a range of other symptoms. While the exact cause of fibromyalgia remains uncertain, stress is believed to play a significant role in triggering or worsening symptoms. The stress response can lead to muscle tension, increased pain perception,… Continue reading What are the Best Ways to Manage Stress From Fibromyalgia? 

Demystifying Fibromyalgia: Is There a Test, and How Do You Manage It?

Medically Written and Verified Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that can cause pain all over the body, in addition to fatigue, trouble sleeping, and emotional distress. People with fibromyalgia tend to be more sensitive to pain than those without it. Several symptoms can be experienced by people who suffer from fibromyalgia, including headaches, feeling “foggy,”… Continue reading Demystifying Fibromyalgia: Is There a Test, and How Do You Manage It?

What causes chronic pain? Is chronic pain a disability?

Medically Reviewed and Written By: Kathleen O’Shea Northrup, MD What Causes Chronic Pain? When people think of pain, they frequently imagine injuries like fractures or burns or pain from illnesses like strep throat or appendicitis. This type of pain is known as acute pain, meaning it comes on fairly quickly and is expected to resolve… Continue reading What causes chronic pain? Is chronic pain a disability?

5 Simple Ways to Differentiate Rheumatoid Arthritis From Fibromyalgia

After waking up in the morning, you notice feeling exhausted despite getting a good night of rest. You also notice your joints are feeling more swollen and stiffer. Even your muscles feel a little achier than usual.  These symptoms may be related, or they could be completely separate. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and fibromyalgia (FM) both… Continue reading 5 Simple Ways to Differentiate Rheumatoid Arthritis From Fibromyalgia

“What do you mean I can’t bring my service animal in?” Member Craig talks life with fibromyalgia and service dogs.

Craig Braquet (woofhound) is living with fibromyalgia and severe degenerative disc disease, the result of a multi-car accident in 1979. We first introduced Craig when he joined the 2015-2016 PatientsLikeMe Team of Advisors, but today we introduce his dogs, Luna, Oliver and Dakota. See what Craig has to say about training his own service dogs, taking… Continue reading “What do you mean I can’t bring my service animal in?” Member Craig talks life with fibromyalgia and service dogs.

Let’s make fibromyalgia visible today

“I get so angry when friends come over to visit, after I haven’t been able to get out of the house for a month, and tell me how good I look. Or the idiots who ask you how you got the handicapped parking tag when you look so healthy. People just don’t see how difficult… Continue reading Let’s make fibromyalgia visible today

“My experience as a patient and son helps me”: PatientsLikeMe software engineer Alex’s backstory

Meet Alex Bromley, a PatientsLikeMe software engineer who’s living with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and whose mother has fibromyalgia. He recently shared some insight on his and his mom’s conditions, his experiences as both a PatientsLikeMe employee and member and what he enjoys outside of work. What first drew you to working at PatientsLikeMe? Can… Continue reading “My experience as a patient and son helps me”: PatientsLikeMe software engineer Alex’s backstory