What are the Hidden Benefits of Health Insurance? 

Health insurance is like a well-crafted puzzle, with many pieces contributing to your overall well-being. While most policyholders are aware of the standard coverage options, there’s a treasure trove of hidden benefits that often go unnoticed. There are frequently overlooked benefits within healthcare coverage that you may be paying for without utilizing. Today, PatientsLikeMe will… Continue reading What are the Hidden Benefits of Health Insurance? 

Team of Advisors member Kimberly’s care team fell apart and she was left with 10 days to build a new one

  Kimberly (firefly84) is part of the PatientsLikeMe 2016-2017 Team of Advisors. She’s living with autonomic neuropathy, a rare disease that  prematurely ended her career as a registered nurse. In her time as an RN, she was often charged with navigating the ins and outs of insurance companies on behalf of her patients, something she… Continue reading Team of Advisors member Kimberly’s care team fell apart and she was left with 10 days to build a new one

Loud and clear: The patient voice on the ACA

Have you had chance to check out that poll where 2,000+ PatientsLikeMe members shared their views on the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”)? It was the largest patient poll on potential changes to the health care law, and several media outlets are now listening up. A recent CNBC article called “The human side of the Obamacare debate”… Continue reading Loud and clear: The patient voice on the ACA

Largest Patient Poll on ACA Shows Patients Value Health Care Law More Than the General Population, Are Less Inclined to Want a Repeal

Lowering Costs, Coverage for Pre-existing Conditions Remain Top Priorities; If Changes Are Required, Individual Mandate Should Go   CAMBRIDGE, Mass., February 7, 2017—As Congress and the White House continue to discuss potential changes to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), PatientsLikeMe revealed results from the first large-scale poll to assess patient priorities for the health care… Continue reading Largest Patient Poll on ACA Shows Patients Value Health Care Law More Than the General Population, Are Less Inclined to Want a Repeal