Can I Save Money If I’m Insured? Common FAQs About How to Use Prescription Discount Cards

Common FAQs About How to Use Prescription Discount Cards Living with complex medical conditions often means juggling multiple medications. This can be time-consuming, confusing, and, above all, expensive. While insurance can help manage costs, it doesn’t always cover everything, and figuring out how to make the most of your benefits can be a headache. Fortunately,… Continue reading Can I Save Money If I’m Insured? Common FAQs About How to Use Prescription Discount Cards

What are the Hidden Benefits of Health Insurance? 

Health insurance is like a well-crafted puzzle, with many pieces contributing to your overall well-being. While most policyholders are aware of the standard coverage options, there’s a treasure trove of hidden benefits that often go unnoticed. There are frequently overlooked benefits within healthcare coverage that you may be paying for without utilizing. Today, PatientsLikeMe will… Continue reading What are the Hidden Benefits of Health Insurance? 

Unlocking the Hidden Benefits of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) 

Health-savings accounts (HSAs) have been around for a while, but they still remain a mystery to many Americans. While not everyone has the option to participate in an HSA and take advantage of the hidden benefits, even those who do often don’t use them to their full potential. A recent report revealed that approximately 73%… Continue reading Unlocking the Hidden Benefits of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) 

Primary care that treats mind and body? It’s happening in Alaska

Integrated care for both mind and body under one roof? It may sound pie in the sky, but it’s really happening at an award-winning healthcare center in Anchorage, recently featured in Politico. How does it work? And can it be replicated? A shining example in Anchorage “It’s a truism that the mind and body are connected,… Continue reading Primary care that treats mind and body? It’s happening in Alaska

Team of Advisors member Kimberly shares part two of her insurance series

  Kimberly (firefly84) is part of the PatientsLikeMe 2016-2017 Team of Advisors and is living with autonomic neuropathy, a rare disease which forced an end to her career as a Registered Nurse. In part 1 of her insurance series, she tells the story of how eight of her doctors became out-of-network overnight, and how she navigated… Continue reading Team of Advisors member Kimberly shares part two of her insurance series

Wheels up! Tips for traveling with a health condition

Got summer travel plans? For many, hitting the road with a health condition can take some extra planning, so we’ve gathered tips and tricks – from the PatientsLikeMe forums and beyond – to help you prepare for smooth sailing, start to finish. Before you go Bring a buddy. Traveling with someone – whether a spouse,… Continue reading Wheels up! Tips for traveling with a health condition

Team of Advisors member Kimberly’s care team fell apart and she was left with 10 days to build a new one

  Kimberly (firefly84) is part of the PatientsLikeMe 2016-2017 Team of Advisors. She’s living with autonomic neuropathy, a rare disease that  prematurely ended her career as a registered nurse. In her time as an RN, she was often charged with navigating the ins and outs of insurance companies on behalf of her patients, something she… Continue reading Team of Advisors member Kimberly’s care team fell apart and she was left with 10 days to build a new one

Loud and clear: The patient voice on the ACA

Have you had chance to check out that poll where 2,000+ PatientsLikeMe members shared their views on the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”)? It was the largest patient poll on potential changes to the health care law, and several media outlets are now listening up. A recent CNBC article called “The human side of the Obamacare debate”… Continue reading Loud and clear: The patient voice on the ACA