New Exercise Recommendations For Those With SLE

An international task force, made of experts from various disciplines, including rheumatology, internal medicine, and physiotherapy, has developed evidence-based recommendations for adding physical activity into the lives of people living with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). These recommendations aim to improve well-being while considering individual health conditions and disease severity. 15 Lupus Exercise Recommendations By following… Continue reading New Exercise Recommendations For Those With SLE

Clinical Trials: What Are They, and Should You Participate?

Clinical trials play a vital role in advancing medical knowledge and developing new treatments for chronic conditions. If you’re living with a chronic illness, you may have considered participating in a clinical trial but felt uncertain about what it entails. What are clinical trials? These research studies are conducted with human volunteers to evaluate the… Continue reading Clinical Trials: What Are They, and Should You Participate?

A New Treatment Method? Machine Learning and Lupus

A new study has looked into the transformative impact of machine learning (ML) on the study of lupus disease. ML offers a range of possibilities, such as building predictive models, identifying novel biomarkers, and enhancing our understanding of disease pathogenesis and progression. The researchers conducted a thorough review of 192 studies on ML and SLE… Continue reading A New Treatment Method? Machine Learning and Lupus

Can Lupus Lead to a Rash? Prioritizing Skin Health

Lupus is a complex autoimmune disease that can affect various organs and systems in the body, including the skin. PatientsLikeMe has covered lupus extensively. Lupus flares, how it manifests in men vs. women, hair loss and bone density. These are just a few of the topics we’ve covered. Skin health, however, is not an area… Continue reading Can Lupus Lead to a Rash? Prioritizing Skin Health

Drug Found to be Effective Long-Term Lupus Treatment

A study out of Japan has found tacrolimus, an immunosuppressant, to be an effective lupus treatment. Over a ten year period, researchers followed a group of 1,355 people with lupus nephritis who received treatment with tacrolimus. The drug was well-tolerated and effective with nearly half (49.3%) of the participants. It should be noted that here… Continue reading Drug Found to be Effective Long-Term Lupus Treatment

Root Problem: Hair Loss from Lupus

Hair loss because of a medical condition is distressing. Unfortunately, this is one aspect of living with lupus. As an autoimmune disease, lupus affects various organs and systems in the body. This can lead to inflammation, affecting the skin, joints, kidneys, heart, lungs, blood cells, and more. One of the ways lupus can impact health… Continue reading Root Problem: Hair Loss from Lupus

Core Connection: Bone Density and Lupus

How Does Lupus Affect Bone Density? Lupus can lead to decreased bone density, a condition known as osteoporosis. Chronic inflammation, the use of certain medications like corticosteroids, and reduced physical activity due to lupus-related symptoms can contribute to bone loss. Additionally, hormonal changes and vitamin D deficiency associated with lupus can further exacerbate the risk… Continue reading Core Connection: Bone Density and Lupus

How Lupus Manifests Differently in Men and Women

Lupus, officially known as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), is a chronic autoimmune disease where the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissues and organs. This can lead to inflammation and damage in various parts of the body, such as the skin, joints, kidneys, heart, lungs, brain, and blood cells. Is Lupus More Common in Women or… Continue reading How Lupus Manifests Differently in Men and Women

How is Lupus Diagnosed?

Lupus, a chronic autoimmune disease, often presents a complex puzzle for both patients and healthcare professionals. Accurately diagnosing Lupus can be challenging due to its diverse symptoms that mimic other illnesses. Given its complexity, you may be wondering: how is lupus diagnosed? There are a number of methods providers may use to determine that. Curious… Continue reading How is Lupus Diagnosed?

Lupus Flares: How to Recognize and Avoid Them

Recognizing and managing lupus flares is crucial for anyone living with this autoimmune condition. Lupus is characterized by periods of remission and flares, during which symptoms worsen. So that begs the question: how do you recognize lupus flares? In this overview PatientsLikeMe will go over recognition, strategies to avoid flares, and effective ways to manage… Continue reading Lupus Flares: How to Recognize and Avoid Them