How Common is Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)?

If you notice a depressed mood or loss of interest in things that once brought you joy, you could be experiencing a depressive episode. Throughout our lives, everyone has depressive periods whether due to traumatic events, grief, stress, or various other causes. But individuals who suffer for extended periods of time with a depressed mood… Continue reading How Common is Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)?

Coping with Grief and Loss 

Many people will tell you that when you experience a tragedy there is no right or wrong way to grieve. But understanding what grief is and how it works may ease the pain of the process. Emotional responses to loss can often be overwhelming or debilitating, and coping with grief is difficult. A sudden death… Continue reading Coping with Grief and Loss 

What is Clinical Depression?

It’s normal to feel down sometimes. It’s even normal to feel hopeless or in despair about a particular situation or circumstance. These feelings are temporary. They may last anywhere from a few hours to a few days and cause minimal disturbance in your day-to-day activities. But, when these feelings become constant, more intense, and lasts… Continue reading What is Clinical Depression?

What is Seasonal Depression?

As the weather gets colder and days become shorter, you may notice you have less energy, feel a little less optimistic and spend more time alone. While this may not be a cause for concern, about 5% of the U.S population experience seasonal depression during the fall and winter months.   Seasonal depression, or seasonal affective disorder (SAD), is a subtype of depression that begins and ends around the same time every… Continue reading What is Seasonal Depression?

3 Suicide Warning Signs to Look Out For

Suicide claims the lives of over 47,500 people every year in the United States. When a person dies by suicide, it affects family, friends, and communities, leaving them lost, confused, and in some cases, feeling responsible for their death.   “Death by suicide” means intentionally ending your own life. It’s often a way for people… Continue reading 3 Suicide Warning Signs to Look Out For

How to Treat Major Depressive Disorder

Feeling sad or down is a normal human emotion. It’s natural to feel negative feelings like sadness or depression when facing a life challenge, such as losing a job, the passing of a loved one, or facing a serious illness. These are usually short-lived and don’t interfere with daily living. But when these feelings become… Continue reading How to Treat Major Depressive Disorder

Am I Depressed? Surprising Signs of Depression

Life gets tough sometimes, and you may start to feel stressed or down. Over the last few weeks, or months, you’ve noticed you’re having more bad days than good – you’re less productive at work, spending more time alone, and haven’t been able to sleep.  Something feels different from the normal ups and downs you’ve… Continue reading Am I Depressed? Surprising Signs of Depression

Key takeaways from a recent study on antidepressants


The World Health Organization reports 300 million people live with depression, but less than half receive effective treatment. A recent study in the journal The Lancet has been making headlines for comparing the effectiveness of antidepressant medications — information that is often lacking for patients trying to make informed choices about their treatments. They found that all of the… Continue reading Key takeaways from a recent study on antidepressants

Living with depression? Grab your mat: 5-minute yoga video with Jamie from PatientsLikeMe

Studies have shown that practicing yoga can have positive effects on people with depression. So we tapped Jamie – a PatientsLikeMe research assistant who is also a certified yoga instructor – to show us some poses with mental health in mind. She put together a 5-minute, beginner-level flow that you can try at home. (As… Continue reading Living with depression? Grab your mat: 5-minute yoga video with Jamie from PatientsLikeMe

World Health Day 2017: #LetsTalk about depression and mental health

Today is World Health Day! This year, the World Health Organization (WHO) hopes to spark discussions about mental health with their campaign called “Depression: Let’s talk.” Depression affects more than 300 million people of all ages, from all walks of life, in all countries – but less than half of people with depression (even less… Continue reading World Health Day 2017: #LetsTalk about depression and mental health