Is Multiple Sclerosis Treatable if Caught Early? 

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a complex and often debilitating autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system. Before delving into early detection and treatment, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of what Multiple Sclerosis is. MS is a chronic and unpredictable disease of the central nervous system, which comprises the brain and spinal cord.… Continue reading Is Multiple Sclerosis Treatable if Caught Early? 

What are the Best Ways to Manage Stress From Fibromyalgia? 

Fibromyalgia is a complex and often misunderstood condition characterized by widespread pain, tender points, fatigue, sleep disturbances, and a range of other symptoms. While the exact cause of fibromyalgia remains uncertain, stress is believed to play a significant role in triggering or worsening symptoms. The stress response can lead to muscle tension, increased pain perception,… Continue reading What are the Best Ways to Manage Stress From Fibromyalgia? 

What are the Best Over-The-Counter Medicines for Pain Relief? 

medicine for pain relief for nerve pain

Wondering what the best over-the-counter medicine for pain relief is? Instead of going to a doctor for a prescription, over-the-counter (OTC) medications are direct and rapid to access. They are also, by far, the most widely used method to treat health problems and pain. Please note that the effectiveness of these medications may vary from… Continue reading What are the Best Over-The-Counter Medicines for Pain Relief? 

The Importance of Mental Health Treatment for Black Men and Women 

Mental health treatment for black men and women has emerged as a pressing and long-neglected issue. Despite the progress made in the field of mental health, racial disparities persist. Black individuals continue to face unique challenges in accessing and receiving adequate care. Today, PatientsLikeMe delves into the importance of mental health treatment for Black men… Continue reading The Importance of Mental Health Treatment for Black Men and Women 

How Digitization Helps Patients Become Their Own Health Advocates

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed many aspects of people’s lives, including health care. Many physicians and practices were forced to transition from traditional, in-person doctor’s visits to telehealth appointments. Only under more extreme or necessary circumstances were patients allowed in-person visits, and often times they were forced to go to those visits alone and without… Continue reading How Digitization Helps Patients Become Their Own Health Advocates

“It just makes sense to give back”: How PatientsLikeMe employees volunteered their time this year

Volunteering is a big part of the culture at PatientsLikeMe. Inspired by PatientsLikeMe members, who have made our online community a place to find support and answers about health, we do our best to give something back to our local community, too. This year, many of our staff members pitched in and gave their time… Continue reading “It just makes sense to give back”: How PatientsLikeMe employees volunteered their time this year

“Everyone needs a “Me too!” moment” – Member Shannon on exposing her truth

“With every part of me that becomes less than what it used to be, a different part of me usually becomes more than what it used to be. In fact, maybe that’s the point, but it doesn’t make it any less difficult.” Shannon (Sna2164) is a wife, mother, animal lover and writer, living in southern California. She was officially… Continue reading “Everyone needs a “Me too!” moment” – Member Shannon on exposing her truth

We the Patients: New PatientsLikeMe poll finds a unified voice on a U.S. health care plan

Repeal? Replace? Revise? While politicians have spent months debating the details of a U.S. health care plan, a recent poll of 2,755 PatientsLikeMe members has found that patients are largely aligned about components of a strong plan for the country.   “Despite the partisan divide in Congress about what should be included in a health… Continue reading We the Patients: New PatientsLikeMe poll finds a unified voice on a U.S. health care plan

Going global for World MS Day

It’s World MS Day and this year we checked in with the global MS community to see how members around the world are living with MS. Here’s what they had to say:     “MS is very rare in India. I’m from North India, known as Kashmir, a very beautiful place and it’s rightly known as… Continue reading Going global for World MS Day

“Our countries have come together, but our people have not”: PatientsLikeMe’s Margot shares her story

Margot Carlson Delogne is the Vice President of Communications at PatientsLikeMe. She is also the child of an American soldier lost at war. This Memorial Day we wanted to show how she’s working on her own healing process, but also repairing some of the divide left in the aftermath of the Vietnam War. In December… Continue reading “Our countries have come together, but our people have not”: PatientsLikeMe’s Margot shares her story