Signs of Poor Circulation

It may be hard to believe, but your body contains over 60,000 miles of blood vessels. That is long enough to go around the earth 2.5 times! These blood vessels keep our bodies healthy and functioning properly by carrying oxygen and nutrients. If they are not working properly however? You can run into serious problems.… Continue reading Signs of Poor Circulation

Circulation issues & ALS

Do you have circulation issues like swelling (also called edema) or a burning (or cold) sensation in your legs and feet? How do you cope? From compression stockings to therapeutic massage and limiting salt intake, pALS are managing their circulation issues in some creative ways. Why do some people with ALS experience poor circulation? For many… Continue reading Circulation issues & ALS

What Does it Mean When You Have Cold Legs?

If you’ve experienced cold legs yourself, we encourage you to share your experiences to help other patients. PatientsLikeMe’s unique data-sharing platform allows you to share detailed data about all types of treatments, interventions, and lifestyle modifications that have helped you or simply had no effectHave you suddenly realized that your legs are cold? You’re sitting… Continue reading What Does it Mean When You Have Cold Legs?