Treating PTS: What members said in a recent study

June is National PTSD Awareness Month, so we’re shedding some light on what it’s really like to live with post-traumatic stress (PTS). At the end of last year, we teamed up with our partners at One Mind to better understand what it’s like for PTS patients to treat their condition. Nearly 700 members of PatientsLikeMe’s… Continue reading Treating PTS: What members said in a recent study

“I am working on all of it slowly” — Member David opens up about his experience with PTS

Meet member David (david61060), a United States Air Force veteran who’s living with multiple conditions including PTS, sleep apnea, and epilepsy. When we caught up with him, David shared what it was like to grow up as a “navy brat,” his experience in the military, and how It took him more than nine years to… Continue reading “I am working on all of it slowly” — Member David opens up about his experience with PTS

“It is definitely a daily challenge” – An interview with PTS member Holden

Holden Montgomery (holdenmonty), an administration support technician for the Air Force Space Command, was deployed to Afghanistan in 2010 and later diagnosed with PTS, depression, and anxiety. He joined PatientslikeMe in March 2015, where he’s been connecting with other vets and sharing how he copes with his conditions. We recently caught up with Holden, and… Continue reading “It is definitely a daily challenge” – An interview with PTS member Holden

Joining the effort to find answers from brain diseases and injuries

In honor of Veterans Day, we wanted to share two stories from our partner, One Mind. First, the story of retired Colonel Gregory Gadson, who was wounded during his military service and was living with post-traumatic stress (PTS). PTS affects more than 7.7 million Americans each year. The second video shares the story of Roxana… Continue reading Joining the effort to find answers from brain diseases and injuries

PatientsLikeMe Names 2015-2016 Team of Advisors, Sets Focus on Redefining Patient Partnerships

Cambridge, MA, October 19, 2015—PatientsLikeMe has named 14 members to its patient-only 2015–2016 Team of Advisors and challenged them to work through an issue that’s central to everyone in the healthcare system: how to redefine patient partnerships. The team will be focused on rethinking what it means for patients to be partners, and on establishing… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe Names 2015-2016 Team of Advisors, Sets Focus on Redefining Patient Partnerships

“I’m happy to say that I’ve made tremendous progress” – An interview with PTS and TBI member Trevor

Trevor Martin, a Veteran of the United States Army was deployed to Afghanistan twice from 2009 to 2012 and was later diagnosed with both a mild TBI and PTS. He joined PatientsLikeMe to connect with others living from these conditions. Our friends over at PatientsLikeMe sat down with Trevor to learn more about his life… Continue reading “I’m happy to say that I’ve made tremendous progress” – An interview with PTS and TBI member Trevor

Tackling brain illness, together

Our partners at One Mind are advocating for a better understanding of the brain in general, and they’ve narrowed it down to a single statement: Our brains need answers. And that’s why they launched the “Needs” campaign story, underneath the hashtag #BrainsNeedAnswers. Think about it – what does your brain, or the brain of a… Continue reading Tackling brain illness, together

“I can see that there actually is help here.” – JustinSingleton shares his experiences with PTS

JustinSingleton is an Army veteran who recently joined PatientsLikeMe back in June, and he’s been exploring the veteran’s community ever since. This month, he wrote about his experiences in an interview, and below, you can read what he had to say about getting diagnosed with PTS, managing his triggers and the importance of connecting and… Continue reading “I can see that there actually is help here.” – JustinSingleton shares his experiences with PTS

Patient, caregiver, wife and mother – Georgiapeach85 shares about her experiences with MS and her husband’s PTS

Ashleigh (Georgiapeach85) is a little bit different than your typical PatientsLikeMe member – not only is she living with multiple sclerosis, she also a caregiver for her husband Phil, who has been diagnosed with PTS. In her interview, Ashleigh shares her unique perspective gained from her role as a patient and caregiver, and how PatientsLikeMe… Continue reading Patient, caregiver, wife and mother – Georgiapeach85 shares about her experiences with MS and her husband’s PTS

Finding others with PTSD

Sometimes it’s nice not having to explain yourself to people who don’t really understand what it’s like for you, and to surround yourself with people who just get it. As the PatientsLikeMe post traumatic stress disorder community grows, we’ve heard from our members who are veterans about how important it is for them to connect… Continue reading Finding others with PTSD