Is Multiple Sclerosis Treatable if Caught Early? 

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a complex and often debilitating autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system. Before delving into early detection and treatment, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of what Multiple Sclerosis is. MS is a chronic and unpredictable disease of the central nervous system, which comprises the brain and spinal cord.… Continue reading Is Multiple Sclerosis Treatable if Caught Early? 

Tips on how to find a Psychologist

So, you’re thinking about going to therapy — what are you supposed to do next? We got in touch with Registered Psychologist Sean Keating to ask his advice. Sean has been a practicing psychologist for six years, and currently works as an early psychosis clinician. He focuses on early intervention for young people between the… Continue reading Tips on how to find a Psychologist

Psychotherapy and PTSD symptoms: Your questions answered

Recently, a number of PatientsLikeMe members shared some of the questions they had about psychotherapy and  remission from PTSD symptoms, so we asked Meaghan Zisk, R.N. M.P.H., a nurse and Health Data and Patient Safety Clinical Specialist, to investigate. She took a deep dive into variations of PTSD, psychotherapy types, how they work and resources to help… Continue reading Psychotherapy and PTSD symptoms: Your questions answered

Could the Rolling Stones be part of Parkinson’s disease management? (Check out Pamela Quinn’s blog)

It’s Parkinson’s Awareness Month, and we’re continuing to find meaningful stories in the world of PD. Did you tune into our recent podcast featuring Pamela Quinn – a professional dancer who’s living with Parkinson’s? She teaches dance classes in New York City for people with PD. Now, she’s taking her dance and movement tips to… Continue reading Could the Rolling Stones be part of Parkinson’s disease management? (Check out Pamela Quinn’s blog)

PatientsLikeMe Attends 4th Annual ALS TDI White Coat Affair

Back in November, a whole group from the PatientsLikeMe team came together for a great cause and attended the 4th annual A White Coat Affair gala benefiting the ALS Therapy Development Institute (ALS TDI). ALS TDI, founded by PatientsLikeMe Co-Founder and Chairman Jamie Heywood in 1999, is the number one nonprofit biotechnology organization dedicated to… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe Attends 4th Annual ALS TDI White Coat Affair

Mike Wallace, Depression and Me

In honor of Men’s Health Week, we are pleased to present a guest post by PatientsLikeMe member tiredoftired, a young man who has been living with major depressive disorder since 2007.  Don’t miss this moving essay about how Mike Wallace’s passing earlier this year impacted and inspired him. As I was driving to therapy on… Continue reading Mike Wallace, Depression and Me

Mental Health Awareness: What do you know about Mood Conditions?

In honor of this month’s Mental Illness Awareness Week, here’s a snapshot of what’s happening in our PatientsLikeMe Mood community. Launched in 2008, the community now has more than 18,000 patients. Below are some interesting facts about the community, so please read and share on! DID YOU ALSO KNOW… You can search for patients under… Continue reading Mental Health Awareness: What do you know about Mood Conditions?

Annoyed or Impressed By Your Therapist? PatientsLikeMe Mood Members Chime In

In a recent blog post by New York Times’ Tara Parker-Pope, PsychCentral highlights “The 12 Most Annoying Habits of Therapists.”  Launched a year ago this week, our very own Mood community has more than 1,300 patients using “Individual Therapy” as a treatment for their condition.  We asked them to tell us some of the habits… Continue reading Annoyed or Impressed By Your Therapist? PatientsLikeMe Mood Members Chime In